So there we was. Several hundred gnomes, most of us freezin' our fannies off as we stood starkers in the snow. I'd hit up a mage to transmogrificate meself and a goofy young Tauren friend from me guild. As a gnome I were calling meself "Ratgnome" and she were going by "RaceWinner". A bit optimistic there, but whatevers.
We was all fired up fer the Great Race, from
Coldridge Valley to
Menthanol Harbor. Why was we doing this? Buggered if I know - I can't be bothered ta keep track of the details. I just know we was gonna run.

The famous cat Hobbes and his
dwarven minion were theres to be the celebrity race starter.

There we all is, hanging out while we waits fer the start. I'm the short one.

"Let's get this show on the road!"

And we's off. Listen to the thunder of lots and lots of tiny feet.

The more experienced racers were eager to share they's words of wisdom.

"I like livin dangerous"

Wolves attacking? "INCONCEIVABLE!"

For a bits we had a belf rogue in the midst, picking off any gnomes what had flagged theyselves.

Through the pass to Loch Modan! I's made it this far okay.

Lots and lots of cute little gnaked gnomies.

We all leveled up about the same point, just as we got down outta the pass into the
Wetlands. It were like watching a fireworks show or sumthins.

Despites our new second season uber-ness, them Wetlands were a killing field.

I's startin' ta feel oozy.

Bugger, I's dead, and me corpse be way back there. Run, run, run. Hey lookies! It's me racing partner! Hows come she didn't get deadified?

Another casualty. I'd been keeping up with the pack, but once I started deadifying I were in the back with the other stragglers.

You can sees on the map just how far behind me partner I got.

Yay! I can sees the endinging point!

Is the post-race celebrating.

And the more celebrating.

Somebody thought it woulds be a good idea ta summon a
Doomguard. Didn't see it happen, so I makes no accusations as ta who did it. Anyhows, we little gnomies had great funs pretending it we could hurt it. I hads ta leave soon afters, so I missed the portals to Shattrath, but I expects the funs continued well inta the night.
You mean I missed the doomguard?! Travesties.
Curse my guild and their whining for healers.
"But we're dyyyyiiiing." Geez. Such whiners.
You mean we did not kill the doomguard all by ourselves? Since it was my first time playing a warlock I was beginning to believe all the stories of them being OP!
I saw my slef in the lets get this show on the road pic I is there in the middle having a sat with my mullet a plowing and yelling WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I missed out but I was playing a gnome at the time.
"I'm the short one." ROFL...I dunno why, but that just busted me up big time.
Unfortunately, I was entertaining my granddaughter with Peter Pan in the DVD player, so I didn't get to run. Maybe next time...
Ganomes FTW!
Who was talking to me? Completely missed that...
Nice shots of the race; I was too busy running to get many, myself.
Woo! I am the dark haired beauty, still wearing her dress in the pic with someone shouting "Inconceivable!"
Great pics.
I laughed the many times I saw Ratgnome's go past me.
And no, I did not win the race.
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