Took a while to find one. None at the AH, and even though I's had the mats fer over a month, doing the "LF blacksmith" thing on the AH just got me crickets chirping. Today I finally found a guy what had the plans and a nether to sell, so I paid him ta bang it out fer me.
Bugger, it's ugly. And it disappearifies me beard! Fuhggit.
Well, I can't say I disagree with you . What good is a helm if one's beard can be seen?
You weren't kidding... that thing is bad. I don't have much room to talk because i look like I am wearing an Indiana Jones hat... what can you do.
what can ya do? Learn engineering and make the totally awesome tanktronic goggles. and for your DP s/pvp make the destructo goggles.
Both great peices, and they make you look cool, not like a clown.
At it don't make your tusks fall out...
That proves it. Blizz's graphic designers must have been licking toads while at work, coz not much else explains why they would come up with helms that fugly.
I just...
Do you do birthday parties?
Is that a shield or a balloon animal in your left hand?
Rash...buddy. You look like a giant flamboyantly gay, pimp orc-clown.
Maybe we can petition Blizz to hide...um...ALL ARMOR?
I mean, if your mobs are laughing too hysterically to fight back - that kinda counts as crowd control. RIGHT?!?
By the looks of the rest of you armor I think you were fashion-challenged before this the helm just makes it more apparent.
LOL Ratsy! Take it off! That helm makes you look like a fool. How can any mob take you serious with that thing on. I bet they'll pass you up and think the mage behind you is the true tank! LOL!
Oh, I noticed someone else called you Ratsy... was I the 1st? Just wondering :)
I have that one too, Ratshag. I started out hating it, but then one of my friends commented it looks like the helm that Galactus, Devourer of Worlds, wears... Now I love it! I wear it with pride. Bavmolo, Devourer of Worlds... That's got a ring to it!
Galactus < Sargeras
I can see it now: The Darkmoon Faire, featuring Ratshag, the Orcish Clowne!!
Very funny. All the frost-resist sets worn by Hydross tanks look almost as good.
/thumbs up!
- Asirae
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