Heard from DangerMouse the other day. Apparentlies she has decided she needs to have some
Throat Piercers fer her WartStrong Gulch mayhemifications. She tells me that these is the best ranged weapons fer a low-level rogue, 'cause they nimblefies ya. I'd say she couldn't live without'em but ... heh ... heheh ... that'd be redundant. Anyways, the only merchant what sells nasties in all Azeroth be a vicious piece of elfflesh name of
Eralan. She hangs out in Tranquilien, peddling poisons and other roguish stuff. Problem is, she only gets one set of these throwing knives at a time, and those be few and far between. So Mouse has set up camp behind the counter, waiting for the next delivery. Any luck there, Mouse?
"No. There have been no
Throat Piercers. She did get a
Sinisster Sscimitar once, which I think she showed to me jusst because the way I ssay esses amuses her, the bitch. But she'll die ssoon enough, and I bought it anyway and ssent it to Alayda to see how much she can get for it in Orgrimmar. I'll just wait here, as long as it takess. Unlike you, I'm not racing toward the grave, sso I can afford to be patient."
Well okay then. Lucks with that, DangerMouse.
"Embrace the Sshadow, Ratss."
Wanted those for my Alliance twinky back in the days aswell.. but couldn't be bothered with transfering it over the neutral AH.
So instead i went for Thick Bronze Darts which are crafted and thus quite easy to obtain.
A Rogue obviously benefits more from 2Agi then 2Str ofc.
If you were Alliance you could go for Hand of Argus that gives one agility and one stamina
@ex - Yup, the TBDs is much easier to get. If Mouse were a warrior that'd be a no-brainer. Hopefullies she'll at least earn some cash selling the scimitars she's pickin' up.
@Sonvar - Yeah, that'd be really nifty. I'll keep that in mind fer future referentials.
Rats... can you have Ms Danger explain to me how a group as "fussy" as the Blood Elves can bear the presence of someone as... living challenged (?) as Ms Danger is?
Would seem to me that the two would get along about as poorly as Ravasaurs and Gnomes.
@Anon - is a fair question. In Silvermoon City Mouse would probably be kicked out on her bony arse. But Tranquilien is actuallies a joint Belf/Forsaken operation, mainlies 'cause Belfs want to get rid of the undeaders & nobody understands undeaders like the Forsaken. So there be a lot more tolerations.
Don't mean Mouse ain't havin' ta put up with the occassional insult. "Let me show you this lovely ... oh, that's right, you don't have eyes. never mind" kinda stuff.
Has she gotten it yet? Terrorizing the Area 52 cross-realm BGs?
I'll have to hide my little shammy >.>
Ratshag, contact is requested ASAP.
Get on yer dwarfishness. :)
Uh-oh, is I in troubles? What I do? I should be able to get me dwarf in an hourish.
@Bell - yeah, she's still sitting there. Been nearly four days now. At this point I thinks she's planning to do fer that shopkeeper as soon as she gets'em...
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