So the other day I's in Thunderbluff, and I sez to meself, "Self? It's been a while since you worked on yer fishing skill. Why don't you mosey down to the pond and cast a few lines?"
So I moseys. I's pulling out me fishing rod, when Holy Crap! The pond be full of Taurens. Dead ones. Man, they's hygiene standards in Thunderbluff's done gone way down the hill...

That's gonna poison the water that is.
I'm reminded of a scene in a book from my childhood where a herd of buffalo take a nosedive off a cliff into a lake.
Water buffalo?
Mmmmmmm, corned beef.......*grabs some cabbage and potatoes and heads for Mulgore*
Aye...low standards indeed. That's just gross. But, the fish get bigger right?
Seriously wrong.
But quite funny. Buffalo Fish That's what you SHOULD have caught!
In the old, old, old, OLD days of the WoW Alpha, that pool was known as the Pond of Death. Y'see, there were no spirit rezzers at the time. When you died, you went back to your hearthstone home. So dying was like a free teleport.
That pool was filled to the brim with bodies all the time...;)
Yeah I really hope you didn't decide to do any fishing there.
Sorry about commenting so late about this but this reminded me of a similar scene with blood elves on the ir newbie island.
My first thought when I saw that scene was "Oh, so that's what happens to all the blood elves who have morals."
I still have the screenshot of it just for the amusement value.
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