This tasty piece of dwarf flesh be me new friend Triggy. Say hello, you buggers. She's smart, friendly, and laughs like a drunken chipmunk. And she ain't admitted it, but I can tell she's totally into me orcish virility - so awesomes it leaks through me dwarf disguise.
She and me been knocking out some quests in the Wetlands together. Fer us Hordies, Wetlands is just a big forgettable soggy piece of in-the-way between Hammerfall and Kargath, what you gots to walk across one time, then you can fly over after that. But them Alliance buggers live there, so they gotta deal with all them gnolls and oozes and dark Iron dwarves. And having a friend along who knows the terrain sure helps.
But on to the part where she's a little nuts. See that reddish-greenish legs and fangs thing beside her? That used to be Naraxis, a dang elusive bug. Triggy done spent seven hours in his cave in Duskwood, waiting fer him ta show his face. Great googly moogly. But he eventually turned up and she tamed his crunchy arse. And now she got herself the uniquestish spider in Azeroth (except maybes this other one - depends on yer definitions I figger). She also tamed that black lion what lurks around the Barrens, too. So good fer her. Even if she do be nuts.
But now that creepy bugger needs a name. Naraxnaphobia or sumthin'. Anybody gots any good ideas?
Citrus Venom?
We aren't nuts we LOVE our pets! My little Jesslyn on Drenden, and her twin on Khaz both walked all the way to Eversong Woods for their kitties. By the way, can ya please tell those nasty blood elves around there that dwarves are harmless...they seemed to see me as a big threat.
Peter Parker
Call it....Ratshag
(hehehe..ok maybe I amuse only myself with that joke /shrug)
Tiggy is a very close, very dear friend of ours. She's coming to visit and has promised cookies!
And to top it all off, we haz pics with which we can blackmail her.
Technically, Naraxis is not the rarest spider pet in WoW... She shares the same skin as Razzashi Broodwidom which can be found in ZG.
The rarest spider skin is Zarakh. Nothing else in the game currently shares the same skin. It looks dan mean too. If I didn't think spiders are crap, I'll go tame one. :)
I tamed Zarakh. :D She's way cool and hisses like a boiler about to burst, freaks the heck out of people... and since she comes from blueberry territory and I'm a blood elf, she's really unusual.
I think you got the name already, Ratshag! Something like Narachnophobia sounds good to me! ^_~
Arachne which is the name of the person the greek god Athena turned into a spider.
@GD, gauntlet, /emo, sonvar - thems good ones. Thankee
@LJ - I go put in a good word fer ya with the Belfs.
@Rabbit - cans ya have a pet and an adventurer with the same name on a server? I would think no, but /shrug
@BRK - thanks fer introductionizing us
@Anon - how abouts I changes it to "uniquestish"? One could probably quibble over hard-to-find / get-to issues, but it don't really matter. Ain't like this is a hunter blog...
@Mel - were it on a crazy long respawn timer also, or just regular-like? I's curious.
Ratsy, you can have a pet the same name as a character on a server, hell you can name all your pets the same thing if you like. But if the pet shares the same name as a person you're grouped with, it can play hell with Damage reports
@Pablo - Now I is better informed, and therefore more dangerous. Thankee.
I see how it is Rats no love for Sonvar's suggestion =(
whoops missed that I was in the list d'oh
@sonvar- finally, someone else who knows Greek myths! I'm not alone!
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