Recentlies, the
Boomstick-Lovin' Dwarf Chick were talking about how you can take yer pet out to them undead ghost sailors off the coast of the Wetlands and get'em turned into ghost theyselves to find out if they's a boy or girl. 'Cause apparentlies you can't tell fer sure using the regular methods. Which got me thinking. But I's glad to say, now that I've been out to them ships, that even though there be certain ananoto- ... anonano- ... annatonami- ... bugger it.
Things ain't all the same size when I got me dwarf on. Still, it is confirmed that I is in fact, male.
The wimmenfolks of Azeroth can rest easy, knowing Ratter's still on the job.
I didn't realize you were worried about this. The female orcs will certainly be happy.
When everything else changes, is not good to make assumptions. Not on important stuff.
Don't fergets the female Tauren, female Humans, female Nagas, ...
You forgot any female druids
All the female druids have breathed a sigh of relief.
Not to say we wouldn't have made accomodations otherwise...
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