Little Tantria - remember Tantria? she's the one what called me a "
goo" and warned me to "
polish what needs to be polished" - well, she's been working on getting herself a dreadsteed. It's a big flaming undead horse for warlocks only. Hows come we warriors don't get big flaming horses? Anywho, to do this she needed to do some shenanigans in the Scholo U. chem lab. So who does she look to to help her bust into the place? That's right, big ol' killing machine Ratter.
Oh yeah, and that Throttle dude too. So into the place we goes.
Warlocks: dead. Ghosts: more dead. Various bosses: dead. Half-hour later, the lab is clear and little Tantria is doing whatever hocus-pocus she needs to get done. Good show, T. Lookin' forward to you joining us in Outland.
And yes, even in her 60th season, that's Big Red Kitty's
favorite hat she's wearin'. I shoulds go buy her a new one ...
We loathe that hat... with a hatred that burns with a heat of a thousand suns.
We'll chip in for a new hat. What's the paypal address?
I wore that hat FOREVER. If I had a crystal ball, I would have kept it solely for BRK annoyance purposes.
I took my 70 warrior through SM one day just for the funs and that hat dropped I promptly adorned it and ran around UC yelling Look at my pretty hat.
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