Guile of Khoraazi: 199 gold, 51 silver, 72 copper, several thousand dead ogres
The Helm of Evil Laughter: 17 summons of the Headless Horseman, 1 very lucky loot roll
The Look on High Inquisitor Sally Whitemane's face when I busted into her Cathedral with nuthin' else equipped?

That last shot is excellent. Great blog, thanks for the laughs.
Ratty that is awesome. i must try this.
Excellent. I was going to say LOL but someone beat me to it.
Hell with it. LOL.
You are WAY too attached to that helm. Full cover metal is for dwarves and tauren, not good lookin orcs.
dear mister the ratshag,
those kept me not straight faceified.
I's thinks they's might needs to goes to Mastercard fors they's advertisingments.
PS - I's still learnifying Orc. Please forgive any grammatic.... grandmaitcal.... grandpia.... bugger it. Pleases to overlooks my fughups.
Glad to see you've moved over to Blogger, I kept wanting to comment but didn't want to sign up for Vox. Love your blog, been reading for a little while now :)
- Blume, gnome mage, EU Twilight's Hammer.
best... post... ever!
love your work ratty, keep it coming ;-)
Oh my lord. Kept me cracked up for a good ten minutes.
Keep it coming. :)
I'm going to be laughing at this for a long time to come. Especially that last picture.
Keep up the good work. And blame BRK for the link love :)
Sabiba and Sabertooth
Cenarion Circle
Lovin' it!
ROFFLE! That was just fantastic!
WTH? I thought I LMAO'd already...but that's okay...I got a chance to laugh again.
Although...I think Dagashai may have a point about that helm!
LOL That's great Ratshag. Though I'm wondering now how long its been since you've changed underwear since it's quite brown looking.
That last shot makes you look like a damn creepy sonuvofanorc.
Also - HA!
Glad you buggers liked this one. I hads me some fun doing it.
@Dag, Kestrel - Show me another epic helm what got green smoke coming out and goes "Bwahahahahahaha!!!!" and I'll considers switching.
@Sonvar - yer supposed ta change'em? You sure?
Yeah I guess you're right. Shouldn't really have to change them until they don't stay on anymore. Because if they can't stay on whats the point of having then?
you made my day.
That helm is insane! Ugh don't talk about that monastery that I've wasted too many hours of my life in! :P
Congratulations btw!
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