I's been wearing the Chestplate of A'dal fer some time now - got it from Mr. Big Floaty Crystal hisself for hammering out an alliance betweens him and the space mummies. Comparingwise, though, the Exile piece (why's it called that? no buggerin' clue) has 162 more armor, 9 more strength, 6 more stamina, and 11 more crit, at the price of 22 hit. Overalls, a good trade up. Worth 700 gold? No, not really, but what else am I gonna spend me money on these days? So I says what the hey and put in a bid. Next day, there's no other takers and it shows up in me mailbox. Fit pretty good, so I started hunting up the mats to get it enchanted.
The nipple chain kinda threw me. I mean, what's the point, outside the armor? But then I were passing through the Cenarion Refuge to do some fishing, and this tall piece of druidflesh said to herself "I waaaaaants it!" and grabbed hold to pull me in fer some lip-to-lip action. So now it be clear.
More like lip to metal lips with that helmet.
Anyways, I hope the druid flesh was a night elf and not one of those Taurens. Granted taurens seem nice but something tells me they aren't good kissers.
As long as they ain't in treeform. I'm not into bark.
So, in other words, you'd kiss a moonkin? That beak on them seems like it would hurt kissing them. Though with the helmet you wear it probably doesn't feel much better for them.
Well, I wouldn't say moonkin be the most kissable mouth in the world, but I'd roll with it. You find yerself a druid with some spirit in her and you'd be surprised whats kinds of fun ya can have.
Maybe I should hit up some my druidy friends.
/tastes like chicken
BRK linked to you now wonder how this linkage will compare to the one from TJ
I know the one you're talking about, Ratshag. She's a freak. We keep telling her she should learn to shapeshift into a rabbit, since it would be more appropriate. All us druids make fun of her.
Good catch in the sack though. *highfive*
Anyways, I hope the druid flesh was a night elf and not one of those Taurens. Granted taurens seem nice but something tells me they aren't good kissers.
As someone who's main is a Tauren, I'm offended by that assumption! >=P
As someone who's main is a Tauren, I'm offended by that assumption! >=P
As someone who's main has huge tusks and still thinks cows aren't good kissers.... mleah =P
Fio, if my Druid can ever turn into a Rabbit, I know who to thank.
I'm thinking if a Druid could turn into a Rabbit, it would look something like Magic's Kezzerdrix.
I realise I'm furiously late in commenting here, but someone posted this to my guilds forums the other day and I just had to come comment here in case you didn't see it:
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