Felt good ta lead me old guild inta a dungeon again, after a hiato- haitus- haiaiai- bugger it. a long break. We only had four of us available - me, Throttle the Tinker, Mr Hoof on Healz, and shiny new Death Kinght Ix - so this ended up being more of a recon mission than a full-out killing spree. I just gots one question on our tactilizations, though: How comes when we ran into the instance, everybody but me nakedified?

Seriously. How comes?
I don't know Ratters, but it happened to me twice since patch 3.0. And both time there were...were...*whimpers* DWARVES in the party...*runs off crying to find Kinna*
I was on the test realm and disconnected in the middle of a Hjal PuG. I came back to 24 naked people with me being fully clothed.
Is someone wearing their Gnomish X-Ray Specs? I think someone is :D
Maybe Ratters is Just. That. Virile.
It's cuz of dem ninja gnomes, It's always da ninja gnomes!
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