Well, I've gotten my fishing skill to the point where I can fish in Outland, sorta. So I've been talking to Old Man Barlo the past few days, helping him track down and catch some special fish, in return for a little bag of fishing treasures each day. Well, today I hit the jackpot:

:: grin ::
Epic gratz!
Congorats big time. That is one nice haul, all around.
I am jealous you got the Hat AND the fishing line in one bag! Stinky Old Barlo is evil!!!!!
Nicely done! I really need to learn patience for fishing... :)
Gratz to Kinna. I've tried to level fishing. I really have...honest...but I can't stand the whole fishing mechanic. And I have so many things to spend my time on as it is (leveling, rep grinding, blacksmithing) both fishing and cooking have gone the way of the Dodo for the foreseeable future. You have decidedly more patience than I, kind Sir.
That squirrel looks suspicious. I think he's eyeing up your fishing rod.
It looks like the squirrel is attached to the fishing pole, actually. Perhaps you use him as the reeling mechanism?
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