oh gosh...I can't argue with you. Misneach and Bell are right on. I thought it kinda looked like a wolf foaming at the mouth. Or a Big Bad Wolf with a really bad disguise....I should stop, huh? Just rubbing it in a this point.
You ought to see it on a night elf with the 2 sets of ears. My hunter's wearing the leather version, and I had to hide it not only because it was embarrassing, but because my pet wolf kept looking at me funny.
Heh, this reminded me that I hadn't blogged about the wolf healm look! And checking out what my gnome looks like versus the dwarf look - http://hooha.org/BlogDetail.php?pg=37 I think the beard plus helm makes you the winner! Hee hee!
Har har har! Love the look, Rats. And my sister's friend Imhotess has the pretty Tinkerbell wand, but she's happy about it. Says that even after she gets a better wand she's gonna keep it in her bank, and wait until she gets the priest shoulders that have little white wings on 'em, then get the sparkly wand out and run around Orgrimmar tellin' people she's the Tooth Fairy.
Looks like the Big Bad Wolf ate Greatfather Winter and can't quite choke down the beard.
mebe it'll look better if you go all shadowy and mysterious like
Me guildies accused me of being into something called "furries" whilst I had a similar helm on.
A furry with a pet tiger that likes meat, and lots of it.
Heh heh heh.
Dingos ate Ratters!
Rats... get to Netherstorm fast as possible and get http://www.wowhead.com/?item=30271
Is a quest reward that your guildmates would be proud of, methinks.
oh gosh...I can't argue with you. Misneach and Bell are right on. I thought it kinda looked like a wolf foaming at the mouth. Or a Big Bad Wolf with a really bad disguise....I should stop, huh? Just rubbing it in a this point.
You ought to see it on a night elf with the 2 sets of ears. My hunter's wearing the leather version, and I had to hide it not only because it was embarrassing, but because my pet wolf kept looking at me funny.
It looks worse on draenei cause then you're a wolf with tentacles which makes no sense. At least a beard makes sense.
Hey look at the bright side, it matches your fairy wand.
Heh! Lilac was there about 3 months ago. http://chicanery.fibergeek.com/2008/01/12/dont-look-at-me-im-hideous/
Luckily she got better.
Heh, this reminded me that I hadn't blogged about the wolf healm look! And checking out what my gnome looks like versus the dwarf look -
I think the beard plus helm makes you the winner! Hee hee!
Well, really, the whole outfit... I mean... a dress and a flowery wand AND a wolf head. In New York probably no one would even look at you.
Har har har! Love the look, Rats. And my sister's friend Imhotess has the pretty Tinkerbell wand, but she's happy about it. Says that even after she gets a better wand she's gonna keep it in her bank, and wait until she gets the priest shoulders that have little white wings on 'em, then get the sparkly wand out and run around Orgrimmar tellin' people she's the Tooth Fairy.
A guildie of mine (red-bearded dwarf warrior) got this and lokked as if he'd swallowed a parrot. Hilarious!
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