I's in me 68th season as a dworc spriest now, and things is starting to get interesting. I'm starting to go places I never got to as me orcish self, and it looks like there be more coming. Stick around, we'll see how far I can takes this...
Last night started off with me killing ogres and Arakkoa in the Blades Edge Mountains. Me guildie Xian said we wanted to lend me a hand, but he were busy raiding in TK. So instead he sent over his dimwitted huntard cousin Xianthar. Xianthar followed me around, sometimes helping ta kill stuff but sometimes just standing there with a dumb look on his face. Even when he did get inta the fight, it were pretty clumsy, like he was distracted by something else. Can't choose yer relatives, I guess.
After the raid broke up,
Randomly Coherent Kel whispered me if I's up for a dungeon run? Sure, I sez. How about Shattered Halls, 'cause I be needing Honor Hold rep fer they's
healy head enchant. Well, we picked up two more guildies pretty quick, but it took a bit of browbeating to get a volunteer fer the last slot.

But eventually we got someone to come kicking and screaming with us, and off we went. Ya know, I never did tank SH back when I were doing that stuff? Is were all new experience fer me. SH is tough enough what at a couple points them epicced-up raiders had to pause and say "selves, maybe we oughtta pay atention to the fundementals fer this fight, 'stead of just jumpin' in" but we got it done without too much troubles. And there was lewts fer Ratter! First off, I picked up a "of the Invoker" wand which were an upgrade. Then Nethekurse said his
bracers looked was better on me than him, so I shoulds take'em. Right friendly fer a recently dead guy, I thought, and then Kel slapped a +12 Int enchant on'em right away, which were cools. Nuthin' usefuls of the rest of the bosses, but back at HH they gave me a coupla healy items fer me good services: a
cloak and some
Gonna keep pushing hard this week. We'll see how far I can gets.
What even more odd is having Shade of Aran telling me to take his cloak cause he thought I'd find it more useful. Cause not only was he dead when we started the fight but he was dead again at the end of the fight.
I used to wear those boots.
Hmmm...this Shattered Halls place sounds interesting. HH rep, you say?
I sense slaughtering to commence soon...
I fondly remember that place. Netherkurse gave me a very nice pattern for a hood! I can't believe how far you've grown, my little hunter over there is still stuck at 16...lol
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