"Ratter, mon, it were awesome! We won, and it don' take a long time or anything! But I tell you da best part mon - some orc paid me eleven gold after. Eleven gold, mon! You tell Rim how to do more of dese quests, Ratter - I want lots of gold so I can get a dragon to ride too."
So tonight we's going out to run dailies together. He never did Skettis or Ogri'lalala, and he sure don't know nuthins 'bout the Dorkbabies Offensive. I'll sharpen up me axe, he'll set his fireballs to "deep fat fry", I'll fetch me pony keg outta the bank, and we'll go have us a good time.
The pony keg, my single favorite item in the game ever... aside from maybe the hula girl on the dashboard of my roflcopter.
Pony keg = instant party... especially when grouping up for buffs before the raid boss. :P (don't worry, he's only lvl 69, this'll be easy)
Oh my god, Rim looks exactly like Delmain did from 68 to 69.
Woo! Yay for friends :D
What I love about this pic is that it looks like he's holding up the hem of his dress. Er... robes.
Glad to see ya got at least one friend coming back to help ya out
I feel a need for a faster flyin' mount, and better robes, and such like, before Northrend rises from da' sea, or whatever it do. I hear da song of de open road and I itch to fling some flame on some deservin' mobs way over dere!
Many thanks to the Shaggy for his help!
- Rimunathah
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