Garhhl. Gahhl galha Garrrahhalagh.
Aghlahhl glarrh ghalrlhh alhhrga: gallhr glah garrahhalglar. Agrhh glagglha gha ghrallhalha aglh, aglha gallh gahll gahrrallah agglh ahghlagl. Agh grrhal gallha gra gahhllha gallraghl ahl galagh, gahhll garhh ahhghr glahh gallagh.
Glaghalahl aggla gahl. Lagaha gahl gahah alahgl. Garahh gallh ga arhhh galahhl. Aghahll garhhr gallha gaah gaarrhl, agh agghal ghallalhah ah gllarh. Gllah gahr allahhgrl GhallaglGah. Agh glahhgl glahhgl garrh gahhlahglahhr, ga gallhahl ahhr gaahhrlaghr.
Gahla glah!
Galertruby's really looking trim! No fat on him, that's for sure!
And in some places, no skin, but you can't be too picky.
I love it!
It looks like Galertruby makes good speed, going from the Mailbox to the AH to the Bank.
So I come here expecting to see fancy nelfette booty shakin' it up, and instead see Galertruby in all his... uhm, "glory".
Wow... that actually is quite...
*Looks at crotch*
Don't tell me he bought those shoes off the AH and enchanted them
I am actually going to get that enchant for my bank. After looking at her /played, it's worth it.
Galertruby's looking quite svelt, if I do say so myself. We should all hope to look so good when we're dead.
hahaha :D
umm... thanks Galertruby
Awesome! This is much more entertaining than what Toque had in mind. ;)
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