I spent my first day as a member of the Sidhe Devils (which I have heard is pronounced She Devils). I met several of my guildmates, all of whom were quite friendly. Ms Shadow was kind enough to provide me with some pocket money, most of which I'm going to set aside for a rainy day, but I did by myself some new leather gloves and a nice staff. I was hoping to find some pants which didn't still have a lingering furblog smell to them, but there were none available on the Auction House. Sad druid. Oh, and I got myself some new bags, because the standard-issue adventurer's backpack just fills up so fast. And then I went to the guild provisioner's shop and picked up a tabard. I like the design - very professional looking, I think. And then, just out of curiosity, I looked up my records in the guild registry. Oh, look, there I am! Level 10 druid, that's me! Rank: Cub fits with our guild's bear theme, and -Ah! AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Umm. Hmmm. What am I going to do about this? I don't want my guild to think I'm unreliable. No more alcohol. Nope. Jumping on the wagon, is Palintera. Gonna be stone cold sober for the rest... well, phooey. That's not going to be any fun. Moderation. That's it. I hereby resolve to drink only In Moderation. But I don't want to be too rigid, though. So, when appropriate, I shall moderate my moderation. Yup. That'll work. That's what Mister Shag would want me to do.
*bounces a couple of times*
I am so glad my mother doesn't know about this...
Only drink till your tipsy and no further. Then you'll be fine.
the bounce helps don't it?
Greeeeeeeat ta meecha!
In'trested inna pint?
We're gonna haf ta git tagetha! Only, I ain't tamin' a bear, soes yer outta luck fer a BF!
I think having that in your guild notes gives you a 10% increase in rep gains with Ironforge.
Is there really such a thing as too much? I would think that you would know you've had enough when you can no longer get the alcohol into your body, but beyond that...
Forget secret handshakes; we nelfs get a secret bounce.
Sorry, Pali, Feral was just teasin'. She'll think of a wittier note next time.
The key is to drink to much in moderation.
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Hi Ms P!
Glad you felt at home. Just curious to know where, precisely, is "Moderation?" I must have missed that zone. Maybe it's in Horde territory...
@Sonvar - okay, that might work. Maybe. Some of the time.
@Rabbit - It does
@Dax - /runs dwarf to nelf translator
Ummm... BF? Belly Flop? Blue Flamingo?
@Misneach - Shopping discounts!
@Khol - Well, there is also the issue of keeping it in your body...
@Pike - And the secret flippy-jump!
@Bell - Hahahahah. Okay! No harm done.
/put Nair in Feral's bear shampoo
@Kat - Ooh! That sounds like a good strategy
@TV - Thank you so much for your kind words! I'll be sure to ask Mister Shag if we can get a plasma TV.
Hi again! I think Moderation is in the Thinking zone, just north of Wishful.
Oh no, Pali, that is quite vengeful.
I approve.
You are too funny. <3
Seriously. I love every second of reading what you write.
Pali, I think the conversation went like this...
Feral/Bell: can you change my guild note?
Bear: Why not change it yourself?
Feral/Bell: .... I can do that?
Bear: Sure, why wouldn't we let you put whatever you want on there?
Feral/Bell: .... [snicker] No reason at all....
Bear: ... Hey, who changed my note to say "AMG A BARE!!!"
Just get a friendly shaman like meself (or for you Alliance, those blue goat things) to drop a Poison Cleansing Totem while you drink. You likely won't be remembering the gestures for Abolish Poison well into your Dwarven Stout ;).
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