I's also been replacing me gear pretty quick in Outland. New tunic, new pants, new staff, new wand, new ring. Gonna be picking up a new hat and maybe shoulders too pretty soon. All part of the big plan to get ya readies fer the big push.
Now is when the leveling slows down a bit. No more 2.3 buffing. Lots of nagas and ogres and arakkoa and space mummies and demons ta deal with to gets to 70. So is not the end, nor even the end of the beginning, but it do be the beginning of the end of the beginning. Or maybes the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning. Or the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end? Whatevers. You buggers know what I mean.
The longest part of 60 to 70 for me was 68 to 70. Thats when it seemed like it taking hours to gain the next level. I think I was at the last bar to get to 70 for almost an hour. Still quest rewards are there are good and you shouldn't need AH stuff for gear. Good luck to you. In a while I'll be at the same spot as you with the druid I've been working on up to level 42 at the moment.
So...it's kinda like the middle?
Anyways, congrts on getting this far. Keep on dwarfin'.
67-70 was the hardest push for me...I think that's mostly because I've burned through so many levels by that point that I'm burned out. This is why my warrior is languishing at 67 and I've been playing my rogue and lvling my hunter more lately...
Haaa...60-70 was the hardest for me, but that's because I had the genius idea to respec to resto at 60. d'oh!
Good luck Ratshag, you can do it!
Like Bell, I also respecced around 60. I went prot so I could tank the Outlands instances. Made the last 10 levels drag horribly.
I am currently level 66 Orc Prot Warrior. I feel like I'll never get to 70. I enjoy tanking entirely too much to respec for leveling though. I didn't realize how slow I kill stuff until I teamed up with a mage that was the same level as me downing stuff in 3 hits that took me like 10 hits. Oh wellz.
Thanks fer the encouragementizing, all. Took a look at me rap sheet, and I found it took me about 5 weeks ta get from 60 to 70 last year, with a hybrid dps/prot build. Figger I could do it fasters now if I stick with me shadow build (and knowing the land better), but maybes slower if I go fer the healz. On the other hand, knowing how ta heal well would probably be valooble too. Another tough choice, that.
@Malok - hang in there bro. Is can be frustratings watching the mage burn a mob down before ya even get a chance ta hit it, but that be life. They needs ta kill that fast, else they'd be spam in a dress. Keep a set of dps gear, use the zerker stance when ya can, and try to stick to lower-level mobs - better xp/hour. Once ya gets ta 70, ya can invest in some really good dps gear (ragesteel shoulders FTW!) and then it won't be so painfuls.
Actually from an xp stand point I was told when you hit 62 you're halfway in terms of gained experience to 70. Congratulations you're at the beginning of the middle : )
You know, my baby warrior (nelf, female, long silken hair, enjoys long walks on the beach and the sound swords make when pulled out of corpses) is 62 and collecting dust cause I can't stand leveling alone. Why are we not on the same server? :(
My goodness, Ratshag! It seems like you were just visiting Scarlet Monastery, and here you are in Outland! I have a draenei pally who I started when BC came out, and she's still only lv 63! I gotta get working! :)
@Latigo - heh. that's an interesting way of lookin' at it.
@MBB - I'd level with ya any day, hon. Is a real suck there's this big damn ocean between us
@Asara - I thought I'd done made it clear - I's amazing and incredibly virile. Is no need to be surprisified at me rate of progress.
Ratsy this is off topic but a full frontal assault needs to be brought upon the inner left boob coloring gnomes on TJ's behalf I told here I would let you know this needed to be handled. so I thinkk you need o put the Dwarf costume away for a little while and attack the little football's asap.
@Lance -
heh. You had funs writing that, didncha? I figgers TJ's had plenty of practice fending off gnomes after BRK's gnaked gnome race, and she'll be fine now that I's alerted her. But if she wants me handling anythings, I'm sure she'll let me know in her subtle, frying pan-to-the-head manner.
Yeah it was fun.
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