I's been puttin' on me dwarf priest costume some latelies, melting faces and gearing up a bit. Finally got all me old Mount Hyjal and Badger of Justice gear replaced. Anywho, I's were in the Pit o' Saran Wrap the other day, hopin' fer the
Staff of Dirty Little Secrets ta drop, but no such lucks. I did, howevers, win the greed fer this here
Beetle Stabber. Is a most excellent weapon fer a melee-specced priest like meself.
Gonna go find an enchanter what to puts
Berserking on it. Then ain't no beetle gonna be safes!
I would consider reading more of your posts if you talked like a regular person. :( its just getting to annoying. lol /unsubscribe!
Great googly moogly, man, if "like a regular person" is what you wants, you's in the wrong fuhggin' place.
By the way, is "it's" and "too", not "its" and "to". If yer interested in talking regular, that is.
Well you made mistakes in your critique as well. Its is wrong yes but too...I'm not so sure. Isn't too used similar to also. E.G. I like to go to the movies too. Not it's getting to annoying. But I dunno...i rnt teh english major mahn.
Sorries, bro, but yer only half right. Is definitions here - see number the second.
Fellcrow, if that's your take, then you are completely missing the point of Ratter's wonderful uniqueness in the blogosphere. Here is one of the few places we here from the CHARACTER and not the player, and that's one of the reasons I treasure this blog and missed it greatly during the hiatus Ratter's RL avatar took.
Check out the subtitle, "Single-handedly justifying EVERY orc stereotype out there," and perhaps you'll begin to understand where Ratter's comes from.
If you are so into proper english, you can always check out the posts from Kinna, or Vyp, or one of the other characters who also posts here. And that's not a flame, that is a fact. Ratters is wonderful and unique just as he is, and I wouldn't want him to change a thing. :)
I've been reading this blog for a while and never felt the need to post a comment, because perfection doesn't need mundane praise. But.... Fellcrow?
Ratshag and talking like a regular person? Soooo.... You also would watch Charlie Chaplin movies, once he would stop walking in a funny way? And Laurel and Hardy could be fun, once the fat guy would stop to be even more stupid then the thin guy?
Seems somebody here is missing the point completely.
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