Two years ago, I had me a set of tanking gear I were pretty happies with. Def capped, and plenty of stamina and armor fer anythings I were likely fer ta run into. Only problem were, I looked like a washed-up failure from that clown school. Ya know, the one where they carry axes. Today, I has me a new tanking set what I is pretty happy with. All the good stats, but now I looks like an orc warrior, not Bozo's "special" kid brother what wants ta be a axe muderer.
That were then:

This be now:
You buggers see the difference?
aweee ur not as purrty....
*aw* but you look so much less like a superhero in the new gear. All that was missing from the old gear was a big logo on your chest and a pair of underpants worn over the legs ;)
Mmm... definitely more impressive now... I wouldnt want to meet you in a dark alley anywhere. :)
When I first got to outlands, I was horrified that my pretty gear became a mismatched purple-and-red monstrosity, all for the purpose of "better stats."
Looking much more coordinated now, Mr. Shag. Much more coordinated indeed.
Now you can actually smack things with your shield instead of them just dying of laughter...
I think that may take the cake for most horrifying Outlands armor set ever. The fact that it was assembled for its stats and not its garishness just adds to the horror.
I like the change. You hear occasionally people complaining the gear all looks the same. I remind them what BC looked like. That usually shuts them up. If not all the others in hearing will take up the point.
Congrats on the sexy tanking gear.
@ Shez - I wouldn't want to meet Ratters in a dark alley even if he was naked!
@Cap'n John - What if I was in a Lovely Black Dress?
Oh that's much better! jaina won't be able to keep her hands off you that she could before of course :)
I don't know, you have quite the happening look going on for you there.
The first picture is hilarious, and reminds me of a friend who must have been wearing a lot of the same doesn't look quite as ridiculous on a human though ;)
The first picture is hilarious, and reminds me of a friend who must have been wearing a lot of the same doesn't look quite as ridiculous on a human though ;)
Great post, even recycled. I've been referring to Outland armor as clown suits ever since the original post.
Oh MUCH better! Man I forgot the Outlands=Clownsuit gear until now. I think I wanted to forget, ugh.
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