Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is Always Dangerous When An Orc Gets An Idea

Had me a vision on me way home from the Object-Oriented Cubicle Of Shame And Frustration this night. It were a vision of an association of folks, unconstrained by the restrictions of serververses or guilds, hooking up one night a week fer a insult-free, "gogogo"-free, afk-until-is-time-fer-ta-roll-on-loot-free, dps-meter-free LFR run. Is this possibles? That be a good glubbernuggin' question.

Blizz be implementin' Battle Tag, finallies acceptin' what me Real Name be Ratshag, and a lotta other buggers' real names be they's names too. Don't know how this gonna look when it gets ta Azeroth, though. Will we be able fer ta organize cross-realm raids with it? Right now, as I understandifies it, RealID craps out at five buggers, and if'n they keeps that limit then the vision be dead on fuhggin' arrival.

Next issue, of course, is would enough of you buggers be interesteds enough fer ta turn out, if'n I handled the (really fuhggin' minimal) logistics? I know this wouldn't be fer everyone, and structurin' yer time fer what would kinda be mostly a really big pug don't always work out, and is sumthin' what could fall apart withouts warnin', especiallies if'n we ain't ables fer ta get the right mix of folks.

I rather likes me vision, though, and I'd kinda like fer ta see if'n it could be made a reals. If'n Blizz makes Battle Tag the way it'd need fer ta be, and if'n there's interest. So I's runnin' it up the flagpole now, just fer ta see if'n anyone wants ta salute. (This ain't no sign-up sheet - I wouldn't consider anythin' stated here fer ta bindin' in any way shape or formula, so don't worries about leavin' yerself rooms ta wiggle.)


Mechakisc said...

I'd try to show up.

Redbeard said...

I know that Souldat (the other half of PC) has tried to drum up interest before, but if you try to, good luck.

I can't guarantee I'd ever make it, given the family commitments in the evenings and all, but it would be nice to try.

Grimmtooth said...

Hard to say for sure until things firm up a bit, but in theory I think it's a great idea. If the stars align and the schedules mesh, I'd even put it in practice and bring meself and my favorite boomstick.

Heck, Eff the Ineffable already does a weekly LFR run, might have a buncha bodies right there!

Developing ...

Kay said...

If it works out like you hope and you schedule it for a night that I'm not otherwise committed, I'd love to do this. I'm a druid healer :)

Dechion said...

Lately I was thinking the very same thing. I think it would be a lot of fun, assumin we could get the logistics / schedules and such to play nice togather.

Which faction were you thinking of doing these on?

shoryl said...

Oh, I might even hafta gear up my horde pally so I could go.... :)

Otherwise, I'd be working on my lame druid skills because my alliance pally is otherwise occupied.

This would be super cool!

Anonymous said...

I'd certainly fit it into my schedule where possible. I prefer the laid back approach when it comes to nuking the evil beasties Blizzard tosses at us.

Kayeri said...

I'd love to, Ratters, except that pesky faction division thing would get in the way of us having fun together! I do wish Blizz would learn something from the Cenarion Circle, Earthen Ring, and Argent Crusade and realize not all of us are blinded by our faction...

Great idea, though!

Armond said...

Hell, I might reroll horde if I had to. Probably as a DK, since I'm big on tanking but have always wanted to frost dps.

If Kinna were hosting, my main is an alliance rogue and I'm working on an alliance warrior for arms/prot, so it could work.

Nazaniel said...

Would be fun!

Steve Hall said...

I'll echo what Kayeri said.

Grai said...

Ratters you have my character sheet available if this ever pans out. Almost one of each alliance side and a undead warlock ifn ya go horde. Great Idea

Kusamoto said...

My real name is Kusamoto, and I am a (nominally raid-geared) Belf ret pally. Katsuko the finger-wigglin' arcane mage who is stupid well-geared would also be interested. Tsurii'd go, but he's been mostly keeping to himself since the catamocalyptico done happened, keeping the team in cut STA and INT gems and tossing fortune cookies at them, so he is sooooooo not geared for LFR or even Dragon Soul 5-mans. But yes, we're all in.

Sedna said...

Hell yeah. Sedna the Tauren hunter is in, and if you give Torrigan the holy priest a little time to gear up he could pitch in with healing.

Goodmongo said...

This last post sounded more like a pirate than an Orc. :)

Wildhermit said...

Ratters - Long time man. I would love to raid with you again. My son and I started playing again and monitor our time a lot better now :)

I will continue to lurk to see how this pans out :)

Skraps said...

I'd show up, if'n you need a totem slingin rainin on your parade Orc to keep ya alive.

Saif said...

For sure. I'm not too stingy with RealID either. :)

Ratshag said...

Appreciates everybody's feedbackifications. Gonna wait and see how Battle Tags shake out before worryin' 'bout details like Horde or Alliance or what day of the week. If'n it only supports five cross-server friends too, well then is all moot.

One of the questions I's curious fer ta find out is "do buggers get annoyed enough with randoms in LFR fer ta commit ta a regoolar schedule?" 'Cause commitifyin' makes ya pay a price too, especiallies when ya gots family and guild raid time an' every other blame thing fillin' yer life. Hopefullies we's gonna at least get a chance fer ta find out.

SpiritusRex said...

I'd be interested in emptying the quiver for you Ratters - would even switch factions if I had too. With respect to the scheduling query, personally, I think a regularly scheduled kind of deal works better (especially if you have an elflette and elflings like I do) just in terms of being able to manage time more easily - not that the missus leaves much scheduling to my elven inclinations.

Kusamoto said...

Regularly-scheduled after the kids are sleepin' works for me, too. Name a time (after 8 PM MST), date, place, and number of people what need killin' and I'm good. LFR is nice for "hey, I've got nothing to do for the next hour but get yelled at by 24 perfect strangers who moonlight as douchebags," but scheduling it with people I nominally know is much better, IMHO.

Stormy said...

I'm there. Tell me when and where.

Kay said...

Rejoice! Looks like it WILL work the way you hoped, just not yet:


Logtar said...

I never though I would write this sentence, but I love that orc!

Logtar said...

On a more serious note, you could host the Horde raid, and I could host the Alliance one... I think we should work on this idea for sure!

Ratshag said...


But of course - everybody loves ol' Ratters. You gettin' Alliance up and runnin' and me handlin' Horde sounds like a plan.