Abercrombie and Mammoth?
Now, Garrosh ain't the best dressed bugger in Azeroth because, well, let's face it, he's got kodo droppings between his ears. But, the brother is his own man, and his own man is a bad-ass, and his outfit do reflectifies that.
Now, let's look at how that tasty piece of dragonflesh Alexstrasza be dressed:

Now Alex is her own woman, and her own woman is a bad-ass (with a damn nice ass). But near as I can figger, this outfit reflectifies "I shop from the Victoria's Secret catalogue after Sylvanas is done with it."
So why don't the NPC wimmenz of Azeroth get outfits what reflectifies who they is? They's power and uniqeness? The men, they gets outfits what ain't nobody seen nowhere - why not give the same lovings ta the females? When the only ideas ya can come up with be "kinda skanky" and "hells yeah skanky", it ain't reflectifying well on yer creativity....
Also I would hate to think what would happen if Garrosh got hold of that catalogue after the ladies were done with it...for all we know he might best be reflectified by a diamante gstring...he's got that look in his eye, don't you think?
Hear hear, Ratshag!
I did always wonder why Jaina was wearing a light dress with her midriff exposed...in the middle of a war on a glacier against hundreds of thousands of vicious undead. You'd think she'd have brought a coat....
/makes entry #75812 on "Reasons Ratters Is Awesome" list
The women of WoW are tough broads, in every good sense of the word, and I don't mind the occasional bootylicious outfit. It'd just be nice every now and again to see a female leader who doesn't dress like she poses for "Platemail and Ammo" on the side.
(At the very least, could we get some gender parity up in here? I mean, Lor'themar Theron is due a graphical overhaul. Does his new outfit really need to have a shirt included in it? Rowrrr.)
Can someone please explain to Garrosh that one displays hunting trophies by mounting them on a wall instead of one's shoulders?
When WoW has Player Housing, he might. Till then, he's just working with what he has. What better way to show off your fresh kill than on your shoulders, completely obstructing any peripheral vision you might have thought you had.
@Anon -
Peripheral vision is for the weak.
I think the Warchief of the Horde ought to find a nice, prominent spot to display his trophies without resorting to nailing them to his shoulders.
At least the peripheral vision loss isn't as bad as a certain helm that some crazy hunters have taken to wearing that blocks vision period.
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