Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Some Fishes Is Fishier Than Other Fishes

So Vyprania the Death Knugget done been learnin' fer ta fish. Apparentlies she's gettin' tired of havin' ta ask Kinnavieve ta go catch up Dragonfins fer they's filets. Not sure what Kinna's gettin' in return - prolly makes Vyp polish her armor or some such. But I digresses.

Me point is, in my day, when ya caught a fish, it were, ya know, a fish. Not driftwood. Not tangled fishing line. And certainly not an empty rum bottle! Great googly moogly.

And one other thing - why is the rum gone???!?


Kayeri said...

Well, Ratters, if you had a bottle of rum, you'd DRINK it, right? Right! Then you've got an empty bottle to get rid of...

Although I suppose there could be some seriously drunken fishies down there...

Anonymous said...

Eat the fish it's already marinated!

Anonymous said...

She SAYS she got an empty rum bottle, but did she really...

Khol Drake said...


Someone had to drink it...
