She sits up in the lake in the far corner of Dragonblight, near them stairs inta Zul'Whichever. Got a thing fer winter hyacinths, so if'n ya brings her four she'll be gratefuls 'cause nobody ever comes by ta see her no more. So grateful that she'll done give ya a magic sword. So them Argent Tourney valiants been popping over ta see her and get a scimitar lobbed to 'em every few days fer months now. 'Cause she's so grateful fer them flowers what it's been so long since a traveler came by and gave her some.
Yeah huh. Bit of a short-term memory issue, this watery tart got goin' on. Sweet lass, neverthelesses.
Anywho, I's in me dwarf costume, gettin' close ta pickin' up another Crusader title, and is time ta go pick some daisies and get me another sword and Great Googly Moogly!
Apparentlies, she done took advantage of the downtime from this week's patch to climbs outta her lake and gert herself new threads, new hairstyle, and evens a new face. Is much less bad-ass Warsong Offensive shaman, more sweet-natured troll priestess. I thoroughly approves.
Looks like she sold some of her clothes to pay for the hair cut.
I thought she looked different! Now that I see your before and after photos, I can definitely see how different.
I like the new look better.
Interesting - I wouldn't have noticed this for a long while (if at all) since I am working my way back up to 80. Glad you pointed it out!
(I thoroughly approve as well)
Wow, I haven't seen her since the patch! Maybe she took a vacation or something - she looks rested. I wish more characters could have that hair color too.
Tam is disappointed - he had a bit of a thing for the, uh, angry young lady who used to eat the flowers he brought her...
Ohh... I refuse to run that errand unless I'm particularly benevolent so I wouldn't have seen her new look for a while. (I'm not generally very benevolent!) I think it's a great new look as well, more fitting of her story as well.
Also? All this time I thought it was "moistened bink" so now I feel both silly and Monty-Python-ly challenged.
About time that girl got a makeover. I've always thought her appearance didn't quite fit in with the whole Lady of the Lake theme.
That is fabulous! Poor troll women have so little options for looking pretty (but perhaps that's a self-defense technic to avoid looking too tasty!)
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