Well, there be nice rewards fer thems what can do the crap outta beating, so me and me guildies swung by the other night. We done took out a buncha tough guys, including one hunkertuggin Tuskarr with a nasty AoE penguin attack. And afters, we got us some loots. Me, I took the Mace of Bigger-Than-A-Blood-Elf. Now, when I's runnin' in me dworc disguise I gots me the Lollipop of Doom (which I never could convince Shu ta put Executioner on, the bugger) but in me natural orcish state I ain't had a mace ta swing since the summon fer an hour then go poof Mithril Order Smacker. So I hadda go find me some buggers willin' fer ta be me nails while I skilled up a bit. Fortunately, is plenty of volunteers in Northrend.

I dunno, ya think it's big enough?
I was thinking that the hugeiosity of that hammer was partly a trick of perspective. I checked it out on wowhead... Not a trick.
I think they left out a stat of +1000 to Gnomesmooshery.
If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer. I think you have one of necessary size.
Really the most amusing thing about this screenshot... the weapon is larger than the shield.
That tickles my fancy.
Dammit thats tiny! I could barely see it, I thought there was a little fly on my screen at first!
Dorgol said...
Really the most amusing thing about this screenshot... the weapon is larger than the shield.
This is a lie, but would be funny... Patch 4.7! Protection Warriors Dual Wield and Shield with their weapons!
End Lie.
Imagine if you could dual wield shields....
I am amusified by your hammer. MC would be proud!
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