Been working on my blacksmithing, working up a righteous sweat at the forge and lettin' the wimmens enjoy watching me work without me shirt. And I's skilled up and trained up and now I's ready fer ta start making some epics fer me guildies. First up, a
Big Stick of Whoop Ass fer Mog the Death Knight.
Means I done got
Goal and Priority Number the Two taken care of. Next up? Buggered if I know; guess we finds out together.
"Big Stick of Whoop Ass" FTW!!
Good Jobbers, Ratshag!
Looking forward to seeing your next goal downed. /srsnod
Awesomeness. I just finished the Art of the Armorsmith quest last week ('cuz I hate farming and would rather...you know...play the game), so my blacksmithing is still at a lowly 286. You have more patience than I do, apparently.
My Obligatory Death Knight is leveling Blacksmithing. This will be the second time through for me. Maniac that I am, I capped BS at 375 before the Itch King made everyone all rashy and then dropped it for Skinning.
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