Ever since Kinna went and
whacked Big Roy so them pirates could
make soap, them reef bulls and reef cows been needing help fer ta gets it on. One would think it'd come naturals, at least after a bit of practice, but apparentlies not.
Anywho, them walrus dudes needs the revenue from they's "Reef Cows Gone Wild" videos fer ta support they's economy, and Kinnavieve is off in Icecrown these days, so guess who done got the job of
playin' Peddlefeet.
Lucky me.
I hope the bulls are on top as it looks like the cows would squish them.
It's a little known fact that, much like the black widow and praying mantis, the reef cow kills and devours her mate after mating. It's not for lack of practice that the bulls need help, it's fear.
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