| Oh my head....
I'm not sure what happened...
I remember I was upset about my armor...
I remember there was some wine...
I remember a man ... he told me I looked beautiful in my red dress...
I remember it was like ... rose petals, falling from the sky ...
I remember ....
**Eyes wide open** **Hands cover mouth**
Oh, by the Light, nononononononono! |

Um, sir? Mister, uh, Gnome, sir? I think you need to wake up and go home now. Please?
I quote:
"I think there was a restaurant. I know there was wine."
He's kinda cute.
I did that one last night...must more awkward when you are a manly man such as myself....It was the wine....I couldnt see a thing and all those gnomes look equally adorable. OH THE SHAME!
Friends don't let friends take gnomes drunk.
Don't drink and gnome.
Hawt Gnome Luvins FTW!
Kinna should consider herself lucky she didn't have to sidle up to the cockroach vendor in UC *shudder*
I'd have expected something like this from Maurice. Poor Kinnavieve.
"Once you go Gnome, you never go home"
They really should've given we that are full of manliness a way to achieve this achievement without compromising our choice of sexuality. I refuse. REFUSE I tell you.
Hey, if a man can't have a laugh with the cherry pie vendor . . . well, check your self esteem issues at the door and take another drink.
From the right angle, gnomes really get me going.
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