I always like doin' da holiday events, an' dis Hallow's End t'ing was right up mah ally. Good gracious, chile, I didn't go summon up dat Headless Horsemon in de graveyard - dat would be too spooky for a free spirited troll like dis here. No mon, I wen and talked to dem innkeepers and said "Trick or Treat, mon?" And some times dey say "Boo!" and I'd go "Eeeeee!" and den dey turn me inta a cat or bat or pirate (Yarr!) for a bit, and dat was great fun. And sometimes dey give me bag wit' some goodies, an' dat was great fun too. I got masks and candy and magic wands, and den dis one time I got a pumpkin.
A pumpkin, mon, I not lyin'! So I says, Alayda, you take dis here pumpkin ta da Mouse, she bake us up a delicious pie using dat secret family recipe of hers. And den mon, you know what happen? Dat pupkin opened it's eyes. And den it grew legs! And it sarted ta follow me around. So I says "Pumpkin, dis here be yo lucky day - if you can keep up wit' me raptor, you gets ta stay outta da pie pan." And dat pumpkin, he's doing it, so now I got me a special holiday souveneir pet, and I'm pretty happy 'bout dat, mon.

Dis ain't got nothin' ta do wit' da pumpkin, but I just wanted ta show off mah new hair stylings.

Okey-dokey, mon, dat be all. Bye-bye now!
I really hate you. I tried for that gourd more than 90 times on the Headless Horseman, I trick or treated until the inn keepers siad no more, I saw the Horsemans mount drop 10 times, but never once the damn pumpkin. So now I have to hope for the same requirements for The Hallowed next year.
Pie sounds good...
I will resist in the name of the cute Squashling...
Ha-ha-ha! Very nice. I was in the very odd situation this year of having the Gourd drop for me TWICE, both times in treat bags.
Apparently you can't keep 'em together, though; they fight. After I cleaned bits of pumpkin off my crossbow, I hit upon the idea of carrying one with me and leaving one to guard my guild's bank. Rogues make the funniest sounds when they get a handful of angry thorns instead of your stack of primals.
Very nice, Ratters! Although I am not quite sure about that hair.
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