But young Kinnavieve done managed ta get herself a screenshot of a world-famous expert-type adventurer / blogger engaged in a Questionable Activity. What to do, what to do?
So how does a big virile orc feel when he is mocked by a gnome? https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=1183127747159437864&postID=2528870534353219002
"What to do, what to do?"
Post it, duh :P
Nah. Make said blogger (I have guesses) write an embarrassing post, then post it.
You know the rules! Pics or it didn't happen!
So how does a big virile orc feel when he is mocked by a gnome?
@Tar - He feels highly amused. Hydra gives good mockery.
Dignity protection tax has a much nicer ring to it, don't you think?
Apparently you need to have your Hordelings on CC join Waraxe, first. Waraxe is home of 4thehorde and Forthepie.
2nd, post em and make sure you give some to Wowinsider too.
idiots this is really have you read his side of the story? just click this link http://www.bigredkitty.net/2008/11/04/were-bogarting-sexified-too/
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