Except, no, wait. Change of plans, due to who's coming and who ain't. Issues with Red-Winged Penguins or sumthin'. Anywho, we's gonna go fer everybody in SSC what ain't Her Fishiness. Bugger. That's three bosses what I ain't never seen before, and I only gots a few hours ta learn about 'em. Quick- read the strats. Watch a couple videos. Do what I cans ta prepare.
No, no, no wait. We ain't a coupla the key duggermunkers what be needed fer some of them SSC bosses. So we're going to Tempest Keep. Right now. Oh, bugger. I don't know nuthin's about these fights. Shoot, I ain't even got the freakin' flight path. Oh wells. Gots to do me best, listen to instructions, keep me eyes open. Don't stand in the flames. All that good stuff.
So. Quick rundown of what I saw:

After it were over, some of the loot what turned up were the lady's trousers, which were kinda weird, considerings how she'd done transmogrified inta a voidwalker, what ain't got no legs. But there they was, a small but definite upgrade fer me. So I put in a minimum bid (which were still half of me DKP accumulation), and since nobody else were wanting them I gots. Wewt.
Good job and gratz, dworc!
Gratz man. As long you were able to absorb enough to not cause a wipe ya did good
Grats Ratter! I know what you mean about wanting to be prepared =) Sounds like you did well considering.
Hehe, you did awesome Rats.
Pay no attention to the four corpses around you >.>
Grats Rats!
You at least helped bring back the dead. Right? =)
But wiping the raid on Solarian is fun!
I have to say I really enjoy a look at higher end raiding from someone just coming in to it.
Gratz! And have fun.
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