First up were a whole lotta undeads and abominations and those big nasty spider things, coming in waves. And we burned them down just fine. Then came Rage Winterchill, a I'm-dead-but-not-really Itch dude. I got caught in one of his ice blocks, but me pvp trinket popped me outta it just fine. But then I got me first lesson of the night. I were expecting his "death and decay" move to be one of them patches of death things, where you gotta step out of it and yer fine. And I thought that were what I was seeing on the ground, so I sorta shifted a bit and kept firing. Wrong. The whole area were affected, and I shoulda just hauled me hairy arse outta there. Dead priest. Fortunatelies, the raid were able to carry on withouts me. Dead Itch.

We try again, and this time something went wrong on one of the last waves of trash. Apparently everything hit the pally tank at the same time, and he went down faster than a Booty Bay whore. And then the abominations performed abominations upon the ranged dps, and it were a wipe.
Third try. A few adjustments, and we take out the trash waves easy as you like. Then Anesthetist drops in, and we go to work on him. Much simpler plant this time, and it's working a lot better. Except I got lucky and managed to get back-to-back carrion swarms from him real early in the fight, and while I tried to heal meself after the first one, the debuff pretty seriously nerfed that. And that were all she wrote fer this priestie. So I lay there being dead while the guild beat him down to 19%, before being overwhelmed by a sea of infernals. Lesson learned? Not sure. More stamina gear? Hold off on popping a healthstone and potting until the 15-second debuff wears off? Don't be so damn unlucky, that's fer certain.
So that were me night. I feel pretty good about what I learned, and I think we got a good system down. Little more practice, and I thinks we can take the bugger down.
Congrats, Rats! Once you get the process down, Anetheron is a slice of loot cake. I'm sure you can do it :D
Hey, just did 3/5 Hyjal last night, check out my write up on it at
Anyway, some advice: Try and stand away from the healers on the 2nd boss. If you get carroned swarmed, pop a health stone. Dont SW:Death if you have the debuff, EVER. and you can throw VE up and that will also save your ass in some cases.
My old LT had some words of wisdom regarding this sort of thing...
"No plan survives contact with the enemy."
He said he learned it from some guys named Murphy, who had a lot more things to say...
If I remember correctly the quote is from Helmuth von Moltke... I think that's the correct spelling.
Grats, Rats. But that'll teach you to go messing with history and such. You get dead. Before you were even born. Which is odd and rather meta if you think about it too long.
You know it was a trick. The raid just brought you there as a sacrifice.
this is what you care about? screw bosses... have you noticed how much Jaina has shrunk since then? what kind of conspiracy is that? some sort of disease? is it contagious? will we shrink too? is this the origin of gnomes?
so many questions...
I suggest running out of range of the swarm (60 yards) if you don't get healed to full fairly quickly. Then the next one won't hit you and by then you can bandage etc when the debuff wears off.
Nice post ratters, I must remember these things so I can avoid having to mention them on my blog :)
The Incompetent warrior
Rats is schooled by Old School bosses. Fo sho.
Shadow resist is your friend. I just use the crafted Night's End and Medallion of Karabor but I'm sure you can find a few green "of shadow resist" pieces on the AH. Couple that with the priest shadow protection and you can hit 100-125 resist easy. Resisting a swarm or two makes things easier on yourself and on healers; wait on health pots/stones until after the debuff as they are also protected. VE may be useful, but I don't know. We usually just have ranged on Infernals and our s-priesties don't have the chance to put VE up on them often, I think.
Another suggestion there Ratshag..
Mc a necromancer so that you can use unholy frenzy on your melee/range dps'ers, it makes them attack 40% faster and will offset your low dps
I do that and I'm the only shadow priest in the guild and have 1200 shadow damage unbuffed. Enchanment shaman hit .8 Weapon speed with his weps and a rogue got .9 weapon speed.
try it out, and if you are spell hit capped, just keep the necro next to you and call it out when you hit 10 seconds left on it
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