Ishnu-alah. I appreciate the advice
everyone offered, and I especially appreciate
Bellwether putting up with my mom calling her every ten minutes asking if she knew where I was. And I'm going to talk to Feral real soon, I promise, and hopefully we can ... umm ... uh ... make it bettter, I guess. I hope. So, I'm going to talk to her real soon. Just, not yet. But soon. I promise.
But, meanwhile, I ran across
this story about another young druid that I found pretty inspirational, and I wanted to share with you. It sounds like she's having some great adventures, at least when she can get away with it.
And, I'm really going to go talk with Feral. Really, really soon. As soon as I figure out what to say...
If you've got nothing else to say there is always the bounce
A bounce and a smile work wonders...
Bend and snap?
/Legally Blonde reference
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