It all started yesterday, when Feral and I were killing Murlocs over on Bloodmyst Isle, when we ran into this hunter named Teej, who was on the same quest chain. And so we did the polite thing and invited her to join us. Which was great, 'cause the three of us were able to really rip through things quickly. And we pretty quickly finished off every job there was to do there and took the boat over to Darkshore to see what we could find in the way of work there.

So there I was, sitting at the bar, feeling pretty lonely and dejected and rejected. When the guy next to me offers to buy my next drink. He was polite about it, and I was getting a little low on cash, so I said, "Sure, why not."
Turned out his name was Dovid, and he was travelling from Stormwind on business. And he had the most beautiful, deep brown eyes, and something about him just made me trust him. He was so polite and sympathetic and understanding as I told him about Feral and me, and how good it had been, but now I wasn't sure anymore and- and- and maybe she'd found someone new. Someone more interesting. And now I jus- jus- just know what I was going to do. And he listened, and helped me calm down a bit, then he suggested that being in a tavern wasn't really the best place to really sort things through. But he knew a place where I could go and get some rest and he had some friends there who might be able to help me figure out what I wanted to do next. And I was so grateful for him taking the time to talk to some silly upset girl he'd just met, and being willing to help me out. And so we were just getting ready to leave ...

But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at my new friend. "Hello, Dovid," he said in his deep rumbly voice. "Been hearing stories about you."
"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Ratshag," he replied.
"Way I hear it, you been working fer that duggerflumpin Broken, Alekko the Pimp. Hear you's been rounding up fresh young faces to put to work in his houses. And I hears what there's some what'd pay to see that operation put down."
"Is that so?" And suddenly there was knife in Dovid's hand, and he plunged it into Mister Shag's stomach, between two plates of his hauberk. I might have shrieked at that, I'm not sure, but Mister Shag just calmly looked down at the hilt protruding out, and then back up at David's face.
"I didn't say there was a price on yer head, yet, ya stoopid bugger. Was gonna gives ya a friendly warning, is all. But since ya wants to play, well..."
He reached for Dovid with his right hand, moving fast. But Dovid was faster and easily dodged out of the way. And then Mister Shag's left hand seized Dovid's throat and pushed him to the ground, completely overpowering him. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to move that fast. Dovid squirmed a bit, but it was clear that the grip holding him was far too strong to break. It was also clear that he couldn't breathe.
"Here's the deal, fubbergunker. You go. Now. I ever see you again, yer gonna haveta deal with the axe. Blink twice if ya understands."
Dovid blinked twice. The armored fist pinning him down let go, and he rolled over, gasping for air. Then he half-crawled, half-stumbled out of the tavern and disappeared into the night.
"Kid, ya wanna do that Healing Touch thing? Ain't good to drink whiskey with an open gut wound."
Oh. Right. I should do that. I unmelded, and cast HT. And again. And again. And again. Goddess, the wound was deep. If it'd been me, I'd've been dead. And then, not knowing what else to do, I sat back on my barstool. He sat down next to me and ordered a bottle of whiskey. I sat quietly, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
Eventually, I couldn't stand the silence any longer. "Thank you, Mister Shag. I would've been in real trouble, I guess, if you hadn't happened to come along."
"Heh. Yeah. Whole lotta trouble. But weren't no coincidization I were here. Feral asked me ta look fer ya."
"She did? Why?"
"She were worried 'bout you. Said you got funny and quiet and then split. She didn't say so, but I got the feelin' she thinks you were mad at her, and she didn't know what fer. And she were feelin' kinda torn up inside."
"Well, yeah, of course I was mad. She was flirting with that Draenei chick, right in front of me. As if I wasn't there!" Feral, feeling torn up? That didn't sound right. I mean, she's the strong one...
"Hmm. There's flirtin' and then there's flirtin'. I don't the girl that well, but I does know she's pretty far off the top of the impulsive scale. And I knows a bit 'bout being impulsive. And what I figgers is, what ya comes back to at the end of the day when the crazy wears off is what be what's really important to ya. And what she's wanting is you. What you wants is yer job ta figger out."
So. He walked me out of there, back up to the Terrace of Light. Once we got there I said I wanted to be alone for a bit and he said yeah sure kid just stay up here away from the scummy lupperglumpers cause he werent rescuing my dainty arse again tonight. So I did. And I thought. And I tried to figure out how I really feel, and what I want to do now, but it's hard. I mean, I'm mad at Feral for flirting with someone else, but I'm also mad at myself for running off like I did. And if that really did hurt Feral, then I feel guilty about it. And I'm really embarrassed about how easily I got duped by that scumbag Dovid. And I want to think I could have taken care of myself in Lower City, but I'm not really sure anymore. And should I go back to Feral and apologize, or insist that she apologize? Or wait for her to come to me? Or just go on and pretend like none of this happened? Because, I really, really wish it had never happened.
And now the sun has come up. And I still don't know what to do.
Go back ya nut!
Go BACK! AWWW Pali, she misses you and is worried!
...Feral and I are going to have a stern chat.
Go back, make the puppy, err, kitty cat eyes at each other, and make out, UP, yes up.
Also, you need to tell your mom to stop calling me.
@Pali..aw kid, that is a rough night. Good thing you've got friends to look out for you.
lol... where do you come up with this stuff?
My goodness. What a situation!
Well, there's one thing for sure.
It'll turn out for the best. I just know it.
I love this blog. Yay, Ratshag for saving the day!
'Sagood thing you have friends like Ratters to look after you...
And you should probably have a bit of a sit down with little miss Feral...
I am really sorry to hear about you and Feral. I say you fight for what you want!
ofcourse if it does not workout I got three feet of love that I can give yas!
To be perfectly candid, this was utterly awesome.
I mean, I've come to expect awesome roleplay style posts from this blog, experiencing the sheer awesome that is Ratshag and crew.
But this. This plot twist. The cleverness with which it was written...
Can we haz moar?
So Ratters...do those (*points at comments above*) brighten things for you? :)
*sigh* Blogger bugs me. I made the preceding comment, honest I did.
Stories like the ones you write make this game a lot deeper and much more enjoyable. Keep up the good work!
And you were wondering if you should post this "darker"story. I think from the comments I read it was a huge success, and I want to see more stories like this too, But only when you need to write them. Great read.
I loved reading this Ratters :)
As for what the lady should do... GO BACK to Feral!!!
Go back go back!
Someone very dear to me always says "good communication is key". No one's a mind reader!
<3 creativity "shag"
Okay I have to say more...and support my fellow commentators who also said the same...
this really is fantastic. You took the RP writing to a new level. You totally hooked me. I'm now concerned for Pali and Feral. You must follow up. :-)
Poor Pali, she's usually so cheerful and impetuous.
I loved this Rats, great writing! It's interesting to see some introspection from Pali. More please!
I wonder what kind of advice the other members of team Ratshag would give Pali?
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