Meh name is Phoenicia, and I are the newest member of Team Ratshag. I are also a member of the Eternal Covenant, which is the Alliance affiliate of Mister Rat's first guild, The Purge. We have a number o' new member od in the guild, and it is a verry exciting time, I tell ya.
Since many o' these new guildies are Night Elves and Draenei (or headbangers, as I call them, since they bang their heads on proper ceilings) I decided to begin my adventures by running to Azuremyst. That was an exciting journey, I can tell ya! But I made it, with only a few scars, and Mister Rat always says that scars just increase a warrior's sex appeal.
Once I got there, I met up with my new guildmates. We have not one, not two, but three druids - Susurra, Rhanne, and Emetib. There's also a trigger-happy hunter named Xanyanca, Ortelianu the shammy, and wee little Baggit the Mage. But as a tank, I are most excited with our healer, a priest named Huoculon. And while I cannae pronounce that, I will say that he are a sexy devil, with horns and tail and necktacles. And one of these days I are going to find out what he are a-wearing under that dress of his!
We started off killing the badies on the Isles of Azuremyst and Bloodmyst. But we soon felt ready for a more serious challenge, and set our eyes upon that clan of druids gone bad in Wailing Caverns. So we've been working our way through it, building our skills, knocking the rust off of the old guild, and having ourselves a jolly good time.

Well, that is my tale, so far. Thank ye for stopping by, and keep yuir feet on the ground!
(Mister Rat just asked me to add that we have established that I can drink all of meh guildies under the table. Even Ortelianu. He was verry proud of that.)
Heoculon sez: "Don't forget to drink your milk! Strong teeth and bones are essential for instance runs."
I like the "Headbangers" - Terry Pratchett reference FTW!
Being able to put your guildies under the table with booze is probably the most important skill a warrior can have...
Dwarf chicks with red hair are hawt.
Chicks with red hair are hawt...dwarf, human, orc, troll...whatever...
Do the drapes match the carpet...lol! J/K Gald to see Rat's family growing.
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