First rule of raiding: Don't stand in the whatever. Fire, Death & Decay, them holes Netherspite puts out, you name it. So what do I do on my first Leotheras the Blind fight? I stand too close when he does his first whirlwind move and I get nailed 30 seconds into the fight. Okay. Lesson learned: when he goes whirlwind, run far, far away. Find a corner and get in it, as far as me stumpy legs'll take me. Luckies fer me, it were a wipe and we hadda try again. This time, I get way clear while he does his whirligig all over the fuckermutherin' room, and all is lovely. I do me damage when the RL says to, I stops when he says to. I even hadda confront me Inner Demon:

Since us orc warriors is such simple and and noble creatures, I figgers our inner demons is pretty mild buggers compared to thems what always be havin' to suppress they's feelings and look virtuous, like paladins and nelfs. 'Cause me Inner Demon? I dropped his arse like a sack of rotten potatoes. Or maybe it were like a pile of bricks. Whatevers. I can't be bothered ta keep track of the details.

And soon enough Leo hisself were a squashed identity crisis. He had two
T5 Defender Glove Tokens, but T5 gloves ain't that good fer spriesties, so while I bid on them, I dropped out pretty early and they went to a coupla droods. Wanta save up fer something I really can use, ya know?
So that were Leo. We'd also done fer Hydros and Lurker, but I ain't talkin' 'bout them today. Now I get a few days off, hopefully I can scrounge up mats fer to
Spellpower up me bracers. And mebbe help Pali track down her missing friend. Not sure what's up with them two, but Pali's been running all over Azeroth, all frantic-like.
Inner Demons are fun, last night we did our leo fight and apparently Leo started to love me. I had 3 inner demons before he finally died.
If you get the opportunity and do not want to spend the badges, you may want to take a look at the t5 2-set bonus, 150 less mana is half a mind blast and that adds up.
anyway, grats again
Ratters!!!! Yesterday when you asked what not to stand in during Leo, I told you don't stand too close to Leo. Did I not?
Did you wind up doing Tidewalker too? If so, did you remember not to stand in Murlocks?
actually, you should stand in the murlocs, or on the pally tank to be more accurate... just don't do any healing (including that vampiric stuff spriests do) when they come, or you'll get your face eaten...
On tidewalker you don't stand near the water globes, but if you position him right, they are not an issue.
Holy moley! Ratshag dropped the f-bomb! Whatever happened to "fuhggin"? Oddly enough, that rather surprised me.
Congratulations on the downing! And it's awesome to read that you've been looking into your class and that you know what gear you want; some of the worst DKP purchases are made by people who see shiney purple epics and don't know that they're not really as much of an improvement as they think.
Whirlwinds of any type are bad for clothies. Now if you were you're orc maybe you survive but not as dworc priesty.
I've heard rogues have trouble with said whirlwind, too. At least, I assume it's the same whirlwind. How many whirlwinds can there be that share the phrase "don't stand in the fuhggin' whirlwind"?
I'm really bad for trying to get in one more CP so i can pull off a rip/mangle combo while he's whirlwinding. And I've been caught a few times because of it, but mostly I never get hit by it.
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