Lotta folks was a little bafflefied by Blizzard's decision fer ta make all the random vendors what sells tier 4 craftin' recipes an' primal spirits fer trade goods be set by region. So, yesterday, everybodies in the U.S. done got the tailorin' vendor. Wanted fer ta buy the recipe fer the new alchemist trinket? Gotta wait. Wanted ta trade in 30k of herbs fer savage bloods? Gotta wait. Well, what if'n I go ta a guildie's garrison? Nope, same vendor. Hows about usin' RealID fer ta visit the garrison of a friend what plays in a different serververse? Nope, same vendor.
Some folks was so unpleased what they even used bad words on the official forums.
Me, I ain't in no hurry, but I does be perplexified by the design choice. But no worries, Galertruby the Profound has looked inta it, and has done deduced the logic behind Blizz's thinkifyin'. An' now he's gonna explain it ta you buggers.
Garhhl. Gahhl galha Garrrahhalagh.
Gllah gahr allahhgrl ghallagl gah. Agh glahhgl glahhgl garrh gahhlahr glahhr, ga gallhahl! Aglhha gahllragl gllah aghhrla gahhllrah gah glaghhlh glahh. Aghahll garhhr glahhlglhaarhga ghallah allha, garrharlh agghal ga arhhh galahhargh. Glallh garrh, gahhlahglahhr agglh ahghlagl glagglha ga arhhh.
Gaghaha aglah agghr laghalagh grahagl, gaghaha glhahg agrgha laghahrag. Glhaggla agg larhg galhagga ghaha alahg, glah, gahaghga gahlgal allahg glha. Glaglha gha, aggrahgl lahg gahhaglarh. Garrh glahaggl glha agghalarg agglahar ghaggl aglha. Agglh ahghlagla agh grrhal, gallha gra gahhllha gallraghl ahl lagglarh. Gahhaga gahagrl!
Glhargal glah agglha arglhaglh, gahalg aggla gahrlagghl. Laggharlag agglha gah. Aglh aglha gallh gahll gahrrallah. Agrhh glagglha gha ghrallhalha ghagglha gaharrgh glha agglahg, agh argalagh gahhll garhh ahhghr glahh.
Alhhagh gha,
I'm snorting in glee, damn you.
Makes as much sense as anything else, I suppose.
Thank you sir, finally things make sense.
That really needs to be placed on the forums, because now it all makes perfect sense. If only Blizzard had Galertruby's skills at explaining things.
I know where I'll be going fer more explanifications. I 'spectify I'll be confuzzled again in future.
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