I mean, all I did was have a couple of drinks and go for a walk around Shattrath. There's nothing wrong with that. And then I ... well .... I'm pretty sure .... I think ... Okay, I have no idea what happened after that.
My mother's going to kill me, I just know it....
The fun you have without me...
My old spot in Shat didnt work anymore... ::grumble:: I had to find another place for that achievement...
Ahh I could not get it to work no matter how high i was it just didnt work. /fail
I tried off each of the faction's elevators. Scryer's Tier wasn't tall enough. Aldor Rise was too tall. So I flew up to a height half way between the two, literally between the two so I could compare my height with them, dismounted and it worked like a charm.
In your Endo!
Good thing you woke up in Shattrath again and not in some Venture Inc. mine wearing a slave collar ;)
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