Whew. Sorries about that. Got me some splinters in me tongue, and sometimes they cause speachifying issues. Where were I?

Oh yeah! Is big hairy congo rats ta me little friend Tantria What Gives Good Screaming Death. Way back when, when I were just an orcling in me 23rd season, that spunky 15th season warlock said fer me ta polish and grease me hooves fer she were chasing me and planned on a-catching me. (When I reminded her I were an orc and not a tauren and therefore ain't got no hooves, she told me ta go polish whatevers needed polishing and grease whatever needed greasing. So I did) Well, it done took over two years, but the little lady done caught and passed me, dinging 80 when I still gots me a season ta go. So is a very warm grats to her!
Oh, and Tantria? I's totally digging yer day-glow tabard of boob-enhancing.
hahahaha :)
Obligatory "Ding" from a fellow lock :)
... don't those goggles have a 'zoom' function?
@Molinu: Yes they do. If you're of the Gnomish Engineering persuasion, you've also got the X-Ray Specs option.
If they could only combine the two...
Gratz to Tantria!
Ratters needs to stop slackifying. :D
How would you get splinters in your tongue? :)
@Shianti: Looks like somebody's been cavorting about with a resto druid.
oooo, i gets de congo rats.. ummm, yumm?? I woulda caught ya sooner, but didn't know whatever you be greasin would leave a trail.. I was slipping all over the place.
It's even better with a pretty dragon.. :) now I really can pass ya
Oh, and Tantria? I's totally digging yer day-glow tabard of boob-enhancing.
win right there sir.... absolute win.
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