Now me, I sings pretty good, but I ain't the best fer making up new words. Is hard enough learning the real ones, ya know. But young Galertruby is a hardworking, creative lad, and he done come up with a song of his own. Is to the tune of ... ummm .... huh. Fuhggit. You buggers just pick a tune what seems ta fit, I figger that'll be close enough.

Lagghal aggahr galahhla.
Ghagglha gaharrgh glha agglahg
Allhagla gahrl glallgahagl lahgl.
Aghlahhl glarrh ghalrlhh alhhrga
Gallhr glah garrahhalglar
Agrhh glagglha gha ghrallhalha
Aglh aglha gallh gahll gahrrallah.
Agglh ahghlagla agh grrhal
Gallha gra gahhllha gallraghl ahl
Galagh gahhll garhh ahhghr glahh
Gallagh aghala aggrh lahllaglharl gha.
Aghlahhl glarrh ghalrlhh alhhrga
Gallhr glah garrahhalglar
Agrhh glagglha gha ghrallhalha
Aglh aglha gallh gahll gahrrallah.

Gagglha aghrl glahl!
(Is a drum solo here)
Aghlahhl glarrh ghalrlhh alhhrga
Gallhr glah garrahhalglar
Agrhh glagglha gha ghrallhalha
Aglh aglha gallh gahll gahrrallah.
Glhagl gllha ahhr glahhlglhaarhga
Ghallah allhag gllha garrharlh!
Aglhha gahllragl gllah aghhrla
Gahhllrah gah glaghhlh glahh!
Gahhl aghhr garahhghlahhrgh aghraahl glhahhl gahhlah, glah aghr ghrallhahl, gha gahrrlagahr agh, gahlagh agghlagh garrh. Arhhlagh gahl grah glahhghl.
*gasps for breath*
That drum solo was amazing!
Gal-er-tru-by! Gal-er-tru-by!
/lighter sways overhead
Rock on, Galertruby. Rock on.
Galertruby, you are always so profound.
The line "Agrhh glagglha gha ghrallhalha" spoke volumes. Touched my heart and made me grin for such a pure thought.
Thank you for the gift.
Rock on, noble one, rock on!
Hey, enough of that! It's too early in the day to be snorting coffee out of my nose :)
Totally amazing!
Those lyrics are like, really deep. I didn't understand a word.
Then again, I'm not an orc...
//Kamillah Le Tank
I just scared the folks in my office laughing so hard.
Rotfl, good one =P
I'd love to hear his rendition of "Free Bird".
You know you've got a great voice and I like the way you're not afraid to put your own stamp on a song.
That was so...
What the ....! Is this a joke?
Bear got back?
Air guitar! Air guitar!
Thanks for the lol's this morning.
Man, the way I heard it, he was doing Through the Fire and the Flames. The guitar parts.
Yeah, I like Dylan too.
ROFL .... still rofl'ing ......
Awesome. Just absolutely AWESOME.
Still ROFL'ing
I heard ABBA while I read those lyrics.
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