Here I goes, running through the Dark Portal on me way to Outland. First time I did this were nearly a
year ago, and things be just as buggered up in Hellfire as the last time. Portal is bigger than I remember, or maybe I's smaller. Whatevers.

Of course, me guildies had to use it as an opportunity to talks about sex, 'cause they got dang dirty minds. Is probably why I feels like I
fit in there.
Priests got mind control, you know. *leer*
Priests also have Mind Vision. Takes being a peeping tom to a whole new level.
And why do they call it the dark portal when it's all shiny?
Now how long till you catch up with TJ's priest?
@ Cal, Bel - And don't forget shackle, while we're on the subject. /leer back atya
@Townes - is a very good question
@Sonvar - By the end of the week, most likely. Kinda depends on how much time I spend on the Horde-side, working on SSO rep
Rogues have Sap... *shifty look*
Mages have sheep! wait a minute...that's not right! ewwww or "ewe". Um they have frostbolt? Ok that just sounds painful. Oh I've got it....mage's have muffins. I got my *leer* on now, baby.
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