You raiders thought you done finished off Naxxramas last year. Cleared the wings, broke down the doors ta Kel'thingamabob's sanctum, killed the cat, brought it down in flames. Course you thought that was it. But then, so did them buggers what did the same out in the Plaguelands three years ago. Ol' Arthas be a slippery bluggernubber, though, and he went and respawned the whole damn place fer ta cause mischief up yer arses while ya be chargin' inta the Ice Cream Citadel.
Is not to worry though. We few, we happy few, we band of buggers in the Purge got yer backs. Tonight we busted in and told Patches it were time to play. Was only eight of us: Zinzi what Gives Good Resurrection, Tarsius the grumpy Druid, Bash (not, not that one, the other Bash), Rym with his arcane blasts set to Hocus Pocus, Throttle the Tinker, Mr. Hoof (all tan and rested after a few months off), Big Bad Guun, and yers truly. We had on our shiny new epics bought with Emblems of Welfare, and while we'd mostly none of us been there before, we meant business.

Patches is a big fella, but not really any brighter than Mograth the Death Nugget, and me and Big Guun had no troubles standing him up. Took a while fer ta get the healing sorted out, but once it were he went down like so much uncooked maggot-infested meat. Is more ta go, but we's gonna extend that raid lockout thingy 'til Naxx be secured. Again. Fer the third time.
Oh, and by the ways? I's back.
Ratshag! We had fun killing him this week, too - Goofed off, played Peggle for loot.
Good to see you again.
Yes! YES!!! He's back! Back, I say! Woo-hooooo!
/half-naked Nelfs
Ratshag the Awesome has returned! Rejoice, citizens!
Welcome back! And Grats!! :D
Welcome back Ratters! And in time too - ICC's open for business =D
- Aenur of Hydraxis
welcome back!!!!!11!!!!!!
Welcome back!
Welcome back! :D
Good to see you back.
There was a reason for leaving you in the feedreader!
Welcome back Ratters - it's lovely to hear your wise words again.
Did you take someone with you on your holidays? Can we have full and explicit details ;)
YAY!!!!! Mr. Ratshag is back!!!! :D
Welcome back good sir :D it's always a pleasure to read your posts! :D
Is 7AM, and you already made my day. Nice to see you back in action!
Welcome back.
That last line made me very happy. :) This gnome has missed her Ratshag fix. :D
That imbicile Arthas doesn't know when enoughs enough and keeps rezzing those silly sods in Naxx. Maybe THAT'S why he can't be found in ICC yet. Good luck on Naxx! I feel better knowing you're cleaning it out! :D
Welcome back ratters.
Yay!!! Welcome back!!! I is so happy!
Yay! Hooray! Welcome back sir, you have been missed. :)
Welcome back!!!!!!!!
Yay Ratters!
*preens leaves in anticipation for Maurice
Ratters, you always did have a gift of the gab that made your writing unique, and you were sorely missed.
Welcome back!
And there was much rejoicing.
And there was much rejoicing! Welcome back you smelly orc!
YAY! I'm so glad!!
This makes it ALL better Ratshag!!
Welcome back!
About time, is what I says...
This is why you don't clear out bloggers from your RSS feed. Good bloggers are hard to kill.
You, sir, have been sorely missed.
Glad you came back!
Welcome back!
Welcome Back, made my day
I've been reading your new posts via a feedreader, but BBB reminded me to come over a give a big ol' Welcome Back!.
So there it is.
Yay! I'm so glad I randomly typed in "blogger" and saw your webaddress in my history...and followed it back!
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