"Ah-hahahaha! Ratshag! How you doin', mon?"
"Can't complain, Zamja. How's the cookin' business treatin' ya?"
"Same ol', same ol', mon. But look at you! I remember some scrawny little orc-chile who couldn't handle the spices, and now? Outland Gourmet, Northrend Gourmet... Hail to the Chef, mon."
"Well, thankee, hon. Oh, and Awilo Lon'gomba sez fer ta send his regards."
"That ol' hash slinger. Mon, I surprised he ain't got half of Dalaran down with the ptomaines! Ah-hahahaha!"

I'm glad me and the wifey aren't the only Myth Adventures readers out there :)
Gratz on the new title!
"Chef" was the first title I had to have 3.0 was added. Now if I could just get off my lazy but and finish farming the hat... :)
Oh Ratshag, you keep me laughing. :)
I'm currently going for the Chef hat, but it's slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww going. Slowwwww. Like...herd of turtles marching through peanut butter slow. :(
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