And as always, bigger they is, the harder they falls. The Purge - Dragonkillerkillers.

Since we had us some time still, we figures - hey! Let's go rid Illidan of his supply of Fel Orcs once and for all! We'll be heroes! Well, okies, yeah, Illidan's been dead fer years and them fel orcs is long gone, but time moves in funny loops in these dungeons, ya know. Anywho, we go pokin' our noses inta the Hellfire Citadel, down in the basement where me dad and uncles played "Toss the peon's head through the hoop" back in the old days, and sure enough there's old Maggy, not dead and pumpin' out the blood. We kill the warlocks holdin' him in, and has us a pit boss party.

Picked me up some old-school chest and shoulder armor in Shat after it were over. Stuff still looks pretty good, don't it?

I would love to go back to some of these BC raids. Mostly cause BC raids ware my first "serious" raids. I did some casual raiding in classic, but oh the days of SSC and TK.
Yes!!! See no more people yelling at peoples "CLICK NOW CLICK CLICK CLICK!... But be sure you only CLICK once."
Congrats on the guild Mags kill!
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