Apparentlies somebody's been bombing the berfuggles out of
Hammerfall. Gogmoth says nobody there knew who it were. Maybes it's the
Syndicate - they's a nasty bunch of numperduggers. Or it could be them
Legal Arathor types from Arathi Basin. Who knows? Anywho, it's been getting so bad that Urda the Flight Master done taken cover underneath her flight deck. So if you's looking fer a flight outta town, that's where yer gonna finds her.
Thats nice to know but I don't think that flight master would take too kindly of me. Might even sick those wyverns after me.
I too noticed the strange behavior of this dear windmaster. I think is not the bombs but the fact shes a vampire in disguise.
People in my guild kinda assumed she had a crush on the bow-vendor. Didn't want to be out of his sight, you know?
@Sonvar - No worries. Yer legs is the wrong shape to be riding wyverns anyways.
@Shift, Doj - Heh. Inderesting speculationifyings.
*hides bombs*
We (the tiger and I) thought she had run off on one of her own wyverns. Took us an hour before we thought to look under the deck.
-Alastren and Ruth
I think I might just love you.
Was looking around in Hammerfall ten minutes ago on my little druid, wondering where the flightmaster went - I even logged out and in a couple of times thinking it was just my computer. 0.o
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