Here's even more of me luggerchumpin' vacation pictures from Rodent World. There be more in other posts what I does later. Is getting very near the end, I really promises this time.
If you ain't sure what the fuhg is a picture of, don't worry yerself. This blog ain't supposed to make a lot of sense.
The rodent Uber-Boss hisself. And his minions.
Saw him one-shot a dragon one night, so I figured I'd best be respectfuls.
Here he be chillin with Walt, his RL avatar.
she sounded like she were poppin' helium pills.
Sometimes this place just reminded me of Un'goro Crater.
In the top pic, I see every one in the raid sporting their T6, except the Duck who doesn't have the pants. RNG loot must have struck again.
I'm betting the duck is in a bet about how he couldn't do the instance without pants.
He's obviously the tank, then.
"Real tanks don't wear pants", remember?
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