I am DangerMouse. Annnd you arrre .....?
Ratss has this sentimental notion of giving the various member of the team more of the spotlight. He thinks it will improve morale, and maybe ssome of the readers will grow to like us. I find thiss to be rather pointless, since not only he but the rest of you are destined to die. Sssome of you may linger on a few decades, in growing misery, but the dirt awaits you all. Ssso why should I care if you like me or not?
Ratsshag is whisspering at me to not be sso fuhggin gloomy. Fine.
Happy happy. I am a cheerful walking abomination in the eyes of nature. Myself, I have no eyes (eaten by worms, you sssee) but I manage. Besst not to ask how.
Some more about me. No, my mother did not name me DangerMoussse. But I ssaw no reason to keep my life name after my body awoke in Deathknell. I sspent much of my career in the Ghostlands, working my way up to my nineteenth sseason. It is a pleasant area to work, with little direct sunlight and the Blood Elvess are sso desperate for asssisstance that they will accept anybody, unlike the snooty Taurenfolk in the Barrenss. Once I reached my nineteenth season I began fighting in the Warsong Gulch, which iss a good place to sharpen one's sskills. There are many opportunities to stab, ssap, gouge, and kick, without the tedious running around looking for quesstgivers. I am also using it as an opportunity to upgrade my equipment. I have a "I'll scratch your back, you pick the maggotsss off mine" deal with a troll shaman. She goes on mining sweeps for copper and tin, sells the ore, and gives the proceeds to me so I can purchase better armor at the auction house. In return I don't kill her and eat her corpsse. In addition I am saving my Marks of Honor and honor points so that I can purchase a ring, a necklace, a dagger, and then a Rune of Duty.
With a full sset of gear, I plan to set off into the wide world again. I intend to offer up my services to parties of adventurers working to infiltrate strongholds such as Sshadowfang Keep and Razorfen Kraul as well. Then I may return to the battlegroundss again. We sshall see.
So there iss my story. Why you would care, or I sshould care if you care, iss quite beyond me. But as a favor to Rats I wass willing.
Embrace the Shadow
What made you decide to take the name dangermouse? And how does a person like yourself become friends with Ratshag? Granted he's a swell Orc but it just doesn't seem right for an honorable Orc to hang out with an undead rogue. Unless of course there is some weird deal going on. Oh well good luck with gouging people just don't go after any of my friends.
You two seriously are the driving force behind me wanting to get back into roleplaying in WoW.
I -SO- don't need another hobby though. BAD Hordies! Naughty! Wicked Hordies!
Heehee she's funny. Love the name.
What Sonvar said.
Also I am surprised that considering that trolls are cannibals the deal wasn't "Let's try not to kill each other and eat the corpse" type of deal. Maybe trolls are more picky on what they eat...
DangerMouse replies:
@Sonvar - I'm small (by Horde standardss) I sneak in the shadows, then I kill fast. Sso DangerMouse. It hass nothing to do with the fact that my Daddy called me little moussse, despite whatever lies Ratss may tell you.
Why do I and the big green dunderhead associate with each other? Purely a coincidence. The Shadow assigned me a RL avatar when I reanimated, and I happened to get the same one as Ratss.
@Ego - your struggles with temptation mean nothing to me.
@Beowulfa - You living are sso easily amused
@Tengu - Trolls are amazingly fussy. Only certain cuts of flesh, mixed in the stewpot with the correct herbs and seasongss, for just the right amount of time. Most trollss will turn up their noses at any humanoid prepared by a cook with a skill below 250.
Interesting you should be posting here, when Ratsy's getting some WoWInsider love about a ghostly abode...
Ratshag you are the man.... err... Orc. See it is just stuff like this that makes me keep coming back to your "too cool for school" site.
Keep up the good work man...
Dangermouse... May you blade never run dry of the blood of the Warsong Innocent!
Does the Undead chick oog out anyone else? Or is that just me...
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