Garahh gallh ga arhhh galahhl. Aghahll garhhr gallha gaah gaarrhl, agh agghal ghallalhah ah gllarh. Gllah gahr allahhgrl GhallaglGah. Agh glahhgl glahhgl garrh gahhlahglahhr, ga gallhahl ahhr gaahhrlaghr.
Aghlahhl glarrh ghalrlhh alhhrga: gallhr glah garrahhalglar; agrhh glagglha gha ghrallhalha aglh; aglha gallh gahll gahrrallah agglh ahghlagl. Agh grrhal gallha gra gahhllha gallraghl ahl galagh, gahhll garhh ahhghr glahh gallagh.
Glahhgrl glah arrlh aggrhala gahhl glha. Glahg grahhglh glhhlhalha gahhr garrha, aglh glhha gharhl. Glhagl gllha ahhr glahhlglhaarhga ghallah allhag. Gllha garrharlh aglhha gahllragl. Gllah aghhrla gahhllrah gah glaghhlh glahh, gahhl aghhr garahhghlahhrgh aghraahl glhahhl gahhlah. Glah aghr Ghrallhahl gha gahrrlagahr agh gahlagh. Agghlagh garrh arhhlagh gahl grah glahhghl.
Alhhagh gha,
I notice you're at the Zeppelin. Did you see the Lady in Red and your jaw hit the floor?
/maybe sign language wingdings would be effective here
Sounds like murlocs
Such insight! Your wisdom humbles me! Please allow me to be your pupil! /beg
Is it bad that I insisted on reading this aloud to my husband, Mr. Phae? LOL!
*nods approvingly* That is very interesting, good sir. *takes notes*
Well said and insightful!
Wait - let me log in my horde character.
Best Ever! I had to physically restrain and pinch myself from laughing at work so I didn't draw attention to myself and what I was surfing (which is prohibited at work).
So how often do you play on the Cenarion Circle Realm? I'm always intrigued when I come across other people that play on there.
Sabiba and Sabertooth
Cenarion Circle
WTB subtitles
I'm intrigued. How do you make that 'L' sound with no tongue?
*dies laughing*
How dare you talk about Ratsy like that! He's nice enough to let your boney, jawless, !@#$%%, @%^%#! @#%%$%, retarded lookin' @#%$%^ here and let you speak you mind which contains no thoughts and yet you go bashing him like that! I'm going to hunt you down and make you pay for the foul comments you left about Ratsy!
Hopefully not lost in translation,
The jawless UD model is, by far, the most interesting of choices.
Sorry but I never did understand people talking who don't have a jaw. I know its insensitive on my part but you just don't come across it working with people in the Alliance
I will have to ponder your analysis of the situation. That is a deep reasoning on this topic. I shall take this information and ponder its repercussions. I do look forward to your future evaluation of Azeroth.
Oh… you don’t have to mind the drool. I am sure we can find a minion or two to clean that for us.
Full of win, good sir.
/e turns to Rats
I expect more from this guy. Seems to know what he's doin'.
While I think you made many good points, this particular section where you said "Gllah gahr allahhgrl GhallaglGah. Agh glahhgl glahhgl garrh gahhlahglahhr, ga gallhahl ahhr gaahhrlaghr." I must disagree. It's obvious GhallaglGah must be allahhgrl only on certain occasions. Otherwise, there would be a mass influx of "Gllha garrharlh aglhha gahllragl." If I may quote you, that is.
Such an interesting take on the subject. I must ponder. Thank you for those pearls of wisdom.
Far more eloquent than Ole Ratshag himself!
Is that Welsh?
My wife can not understand why I like WoW so much. As much as I try to show her the mechanics of the game and simplify the goals...she just doesn't get it.
She REALLY can not understand why I would go to blog sites looking for information about WoW. I told her I get good knowledge and openned your blog, not knowing this was the post.
She whispered, "Idiot" when she turned and walked away. I nearly piddled myself laughing.
o.O ... O.o
@Dani - hahahahahaha, TY.
always quality rats, love your work!
Still awesome reading it a day later.
Best blog evar.
Holy Crap Dude! Thats too funny.
Holy Crap Dude! Thats freakin Hilarious!
Yeah Ghostkid, mines the same way
Geez dude you sound like my ex-wife, let it go already...No wonder why I play alliance
Doesn't he look a bit and sound like George W Bush?
Go as sd D A P!
And to think this is my Father!
Okay. I know you're upset.
But The Empire Strikes Back has been out for nearly two decades! "Luke, I am your father!" is not a spoiler, dude.
PS: Rosebud was a sled.
Pure genius!
One question though.... where would an aspiring "alt" post a resume for review to join "Team Ratshag"?
Conclusive proof that murlocs and the undead have an unholy alliance.
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