Thursday, October 9, 2008

Planning Fer Me Retirement

This here tasty piece of humanflesh be Kinnavieve. Say hello, you buggers.

I been thinking a lots about what's gonna happen when the time comes ta hit the beaches of Northrend. And I finds I ain't that enthused about doing it in me dwarf disguise. Being a shadow priest has been fun, but it ain't gonna be the same. Less Mana! Mana! and naughty touching, more like being a shadow mage. Onlies we won't be creatin' sheeps fer to amusify ourselves, the way them mages do. So I's thinkin I may take off these damn uncomfortable dwarf shoes fer a while, and just go to Borean Tundra as me regular orcish self. Give them Tuskarr wimmens a chance to experience me awesome virility in its purest form.

But Team Ratshag ain't leavin' the Aetherial Circle, nosiree. That's where Kinn here comes in. I's been helping this young pally get some experience under her belt, so in the next month or so she can push hard, get ta Outland, and be ready ta hop a boat to Northrend when the time comes. I's been teachin' her how ta burn down them Scarlet thuggerduppers and takes they's gear, how ta kill undeaders in Darkshire, and how ta find them shops hidden way in the back of Ironforge with the exotic merchandizings. And in return she's been teaching me about them things pallies do, like blessings and judgements and cleaning yer armor and shaving yer legs (and no, we just shaves her legs, not mine. sheesh)

So, poor kid's a little tired today, what with me having dragged her cute butt up and down the Stranglethorn peninsula last night, genociding the wildlifes. But I's expecting pretty soon she'll be doing guest posts here with the rest of the team.


Khol Drake said...

I hear the taunka really like the orcflesh...just something to keep in mind, Mr. the Shag.

Anonymous said...

Shaving your/her legs? Tanks don't shave their legs. That's one of the great advantages of wearing plate. Also the leg hair is a nice buffer between your skin and that cold hard plate. Ok, truth be told at one time I did shave my legs, but mongoose kept proccing.

Anonymous said...

Tuskarr womens?? I haven't seen ONE!!

Khol Drake said...

Ooh...that couldn't have been good...suddenly finding yourself shaving much faster than you expected...

Of course, having mongoose on your razor has to be something like having your disenchant button next to the sharpening stone button...