'allo there!
Meh Red Hawt Axe and I were in Desolace recently. The Boss calls that place a bunghole, but I disagree. It's a
diseased and putrid bunghole. But a nice place, otherwise. Bring the kids, why doncha?

While I was there, they wanted meh to harvest some centaur ears. Since the centaurs of Desolace are pretty fond of their ears, I had ta kill them first. Big foockers, ain't they? Take out their knees, though, they go down faster'n a gnome on spring holiday.

Then I had ta take care of a bunch of t'hese skeletons who didn't ken they were already dead. Apparently the centaur necromancers have been up to no good. Now, I'm wondering, who these fellas used to be? Because, their ain't nobody walking around on two legs in Desolace any more. Were they Night Elves? Were they centaurs, and the necromancers foorgot ta do the arse-end? I don't know...

Well, I'va had me fill of Desolace, I tell ya. But last night me and meh mates from the Eternal Coovenant went back to the Scarlet Monastery. We were just planning ta clear out the Armory, but that went so fast we pushed on ta the Cathedral, where we finished those Scarlet Topnoggers off once and for all. That were some tough fighting, with the guards all more experienced than us, but we've got a solid crew and we made it happen. By the time we got to Scarlet Commander Mograine, reinforcements were starting ta appear. But we did for him, even with a mage running in and popping off arcane explosions right in the middle of the fight. Then that biatch Whitemane ran in and resurrected him, so we had ta do it all over again. At some point I got smuished, but mah girl Sus was on the ball and battle-rezzed me. And when the dust stopped flying, I found a real
nice shield; it's gotta go to the smithy ta be fitted to me, but I should get it back in a few seasons.
I hear the warrior trainers are working to find a
new Thunderclap for us tanking warriors. Ah'll be looking forward ta that, I tell ya!
That's all for now. Remember, keep yuir feet on th' ground, unless he's really cute!
1 comment:
Relatively speaking here, is it easier to sweep a dwarf off their feet (due to their... stature) or more difficult (due to having to bend down so far)?
Just askin'; I mean, as a troll, it's a looong way down.
Not that I'm complainin' or any such foolishness, trolls can go down in all sorts of interesting ways.
Just... curious, is all.
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