Is were more like 12 gold fer the shave and haircut and dye job. Howevers, I's happy with me new look.
Is the old "Santa Rats" look:

And the new "buggered if I know but it's different" look:

And Kel, just 'cause I don't look like Father Winter no more don't mean ya cain't still sit in me lap and ask me ta brings ya a pony if ya wants. But Laguna is NOT allowed - his hair tickles me nose.
Woot! I still has lap sitting permissions!
Is there a formal application process for lap privileges?
I recently snuck onto my shmoo's account and prettied up his dorf hunter. He got the soldier cut and the nice fluffy beard, and I colored it light blond. It too was also more than 2 bits. :/
The top picture with the gray hair is my priets beard but Esdras my priest is bald hahaha
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